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2 pages/≈550 words
Social Sciences
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SOST 110 Forum Reflection Assignment: Watching the News

Essay Instructions:

You will write a 500 word analysis comparing one of your earlier forum posts from the module discussion forums with one of your more recent ones. In this submission, analyze and demonstrate how you’ve grown in the course, and how your processes of critical thought have changed and challenged some of your previous ideas with regard to the course content.
Your reflection should keep in mind the following concepts:
Self-awareness: Your reflection shows how your own personal identity has evolved due to your learning in this course.
Self-criticism: Your reflection demonstrates your ability to question your own biases, stereotypes, preconceptions, and/or assumptions that you had at the start of the course.
Interconnections: Your reflection demonstrates connections between this course and your prior learning and personal experiences.
Analysis: Your reflection moves beyond simple description of your intellectual growth to an analysis of how this growth came to be.
Clarity: Your language is clear and expressive. The reader can create a mental picture of the situation you describe. Your explanation of your journey makes sense. 
Your assignment should be typed, double spaced, and have your name and student number on the assignment. You do not need a cover page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Watching the news has evolved over the years and it is now quite easy for people to access the most current news. It is possible to select what one is interested in and leave out the rest. This means that the news houses are now able to target their news in a more elaborate manner compared to before. This is relative to the fact that the internet technology has revolutionized the way that news platforms are updated and accessed. Today, it is possible to get news feeds as they are uploaded and specific to the city that one lives in or basically through tracking ones’ location.
In the past, I used to watch the news through the television and then later on I would use the internet to get some of the information that may have been left out. At the same time, I would use the internet to get the news that were not covered in the new items broadcasted on some of my favorite channels. With the advent of cable TV, this also meant that I had the ability to subscribe to the TV channels that best matched my needs and leave out the rest. In an age where consumers have more freedom that before, this is an aspect that came in handy and better enhanced the television experience along with information acquisition. At the time, I did not question much of the information that was shared on most of the channels. This is relative to the fact that I had not developed much self-criticism abilities relative to the information that was presented to me...
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