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Somatoform Disorders

Essay Instructions:
out of movie ( choose one ) include the movie name. The written product of each assignment will be 2 pages long (typed, double-spaced, one inch margins, 12 pt font and not including cover page or references). The first half page is to be completed in the multiaxial diagnosis format provided below. The remaining two pages are to be a discussion of how you determined the diagnoses. It is often helpful to organize the latter two pages by axis (see below). This discussion is to include the signs/symptoms of each diagnosis you assign, and other possible differential diagnoses. Differential diagnosis refers to all of the diagnostic categories that you seriously considered during the diagnostic process. Because the symptoms present in the case study suggest the possibility of several disorders, a thorough discussion of disorders that you excluded is warranted. In other words, you should discuss why you assigned the diagnoses that you did and why you ruled out others. In addition to this page, as well as your text and notes, the DSM IV is available from the reference section of the library. The DSM IV, particularly pages 25-35, provides a detailed description of the multiaxial diagnosis format shown below. (This material will also be reviewed in class in Chapter 2.) Multiaxial Diagnosis Format Axis I: Clinical Disorders Other Disorders That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention Axis II: Personality Disorders Mental Retardation Axis III: General Medical Conditions Axis IV: Psychosocial and Environmental Problems Axis V: Global Assessment of Functioning Use the above format for the first page of your paper. Use pages 25 - 35 of the DSM IV and text/lecture material to complete each axis correctly. You may want to use other sections of the DSM IV. (You do NOT need to include diagnostic code numbers.) You will not need to use additional resources or references other than those just listed. A few pointers are also included on the following page: References: American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed., text revision). Washington, DC: Author
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Somatoform Disorders
(Instructor’s Name)
Somatoform Disorders
One of the movies that exemplify a somatoform disorder is “Hollywood Ending”. This films stars Woody Allen as a one-time prominent film director named Val Waxman who was looking for a big break from his downward spiralling career. He gets this break when he was offered to direct a blockbuster movie. The downside to this was that the offer came from his ex-wife producer, Ellie, and her boyfriend, the studio head, who stole Ellie from Val 10 years earlier. He refuses to take the job but was urged by his agent, Al. At the eve of the first day of filming, Val was struck by psychosomatic blindness and this is where the problems arise.
Multiaxial Diagnosis
Axis 1
1. Conversion Disorder, Psychosomatic Blindness
Al: “What is it? What's going on? Why am I here?”
Val: “Al, I'm going to try to explain this to you. I came home and I started to make notes on the script. You know because we shoot Tuesday and I wanted to, you know. And then I started to get nervous, so I sat down on the sofa and I was doing my deep breathing exercises, to stay calm. And it was working and I started to relax and I dozed off. And I slept for a while and then I woke up, Al, and… I can't see anything! I'm blind! I'm blind, Al!”
Al: “What?!”
Val: “I'm blind, I'm blind! I can't see!”
From the scene above, we can see that Val experienced blindness, which couldn’t have happened abruptly without physical trauma. Val said that he was starting to get anxious because of the work he had to perform so he took a break and that was when he experienced blindness. This explains the fact that such a condition is psychological in nature.
2. Hypochondriasis
Al: “Did you bump into anything? Did you fall? Did you bonk your head or something?”
Val: “I didn't bump my head. Nothing! Al, I got a brain tumor, that's the story here. The end is in sight! I see the wall!”
Al: “I thought you said you couldn't see?”
Val: “It's an expression! I don't actually mean I see a wall. It's in my mind's eye!”
Al: “Listen I remember, Ellie and I took you to the hospital. You insisted we take you to the hospital because you were convinced you had hoof and mouth disease.”
Ellie: “You had all the ...
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