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Sociology- Introductory Globalization Academic Article Review

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Capitalism and Democracy
Capitalism and Democracy
The author, Wolfgang Merkel in the article, Is capitalism compatible with democracy? Raises some insightful information on the compatibility of the concepts of capitalism and democracy (Merkel, 2014). According to the author this are two different concepts and they use different logics to present their ideals. In the article the author is able to bring to the attention of the readers the various developments that have taken place in reference to the two concepts through time. They also establish in the various countries that the developmental stages of the concepts have been used. This is a crucial element as it prepares the readers for the content that in the mid the last sections of the paper. The article then delves into the different types of the concept of both capitalism and democracy. The article reveals the three main categories of capitalism which include marker-liberal capitalism, organized and embedded capitalism and then the Neoliberal capitalism (Merkel, 2014). Relative to the different ideologies that are associated with the definitions and applications for democracies, the article major on the embedded democracy for the purpose of the paper. Having laid out the basics for the thesis of the paper, the author then elaborates on the various elements of the incompatibilities that exist between capitalism and democracy. In conclusion, the author points out that there is tension between the forms of capitalism and democracy and more so when it comes to applying the two together. More importantly is the idea that capitalism can exit within a democracy and a dictatorship however, it is not possible for democracy to exist in any other form economic system other than capitalism (Merkel, 2014).
Capitalism and democracy are two different ideologies in the way that they are applied and their implications for any nation. More importantly, is the fact that their integration mechanisms are quite different. In the case of capitalism, relative to the much success it has had in the last century, it is clear that it can be applied in any system of governance. This is however not the case with democracy. Despite the fact that democracy governance has also had significant impact in development over the last century, it application is limited. It is only applicable in a capitalist economy (Merkel, 2014). This is quite limiting and further points to the element of interdependency between the two that is uneven.
This is an element that points to the need for the author to develop the argument in this paper. Ideally, it is clear that globalization is one of the best moves that countries have ever established relative to the level of development that each of the parties have experienced over the years. The ability to share resources and ideas and more important come together and establish standards is mile stone for humanity (Merkel, 2014). At the heart of the developments that have been made relative to globalization are the political system shifts and economies systems as well. Being able to work within the democratic provisions and capitalism abilities is a basic premise for the development that most countries claim.
However, the author provides more than that; they give the readers an insightful discussion of the way that capitalism and democracy interact (Merkel, 2014). This is a subtle basis to understand the way that countries interact with others and the way that their economies merge or interact to bring benefits to the peo...
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