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Sociology discussion

Essay Instructions:
Please answer one of the following four questions in 2 pages. Postings must address all aspects of the discussion question and consist of a well-developed paragraph that includes integration of concepts and terms from the text (please put the terms in bold type or ALL CAPS if your system will not cooperate and include page citations). Emphasis should be placed on discussing and applying the concepts and theories discussed in the text. One sentence responses are unacceptable. Please respond in approximately 150-200 words. 1. What is the difference between mass communication and mass media? Please provide an example of each in your response. Select one of the three contemporary models of mass communication (ritual model, publicity model, or reception model). Which of these models is most intriguing to you? Why? What do you hope to gain from studying mass media this quarter? 2. What is media literacy? Why do you think that media literacy is important? Is it important? Should College students be required to take a course that includes media literacy in some capacity? Why or why not? do you think that you are media literate? Why or why not? What do you hope to gain from studying mass media this quarter? 3. Review the Seven Truths About the Media They Don¡¯t Want You to Know in Chapter 1. Choose 2 of the truths. Provide a concrete example (other than those noted in the textbook) of each of the truths you selected. Do you think that these truths guide your understanding of how the media operate? In what way(s)? What do you hope to gain from studying mass media this quarter? 4. Consider the Postman readings ( Amusing Ourselves to Death and Are You Watching Television, or is Television Watching You? ), the Waters reading ( Electronic Isolation Gives Cold Comfort) and Chapter 1 in our Hanson textbook. Are we amusing ourselves to death as Postman suggests? In what way(s)? Provide examples. Waters wrote, Planet Dave is a nice place to visit. I can't afford to live there. Why not? What¡¯s wrong with Planet Dave? In your opinion, what are the pros and cons of our MEdia culture? How does Planet [insert your name here] impact your conversations about a variety of issues (e.g. current events, local issues, trends, media)? What do you hope to gain from studying mass media this quarter?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Sociology Discussion The Impact of Globalization of American Pop Culture Student: Professor: Course title: Date: Crothers (2012) in Globalization and American Pop culture explains that the rise of global culture can be attributed to the world economic globalization. The author asserts that it is in the best interest of the world superpowers such as America that all people converge in a cultural perspective that is more of oriented to this Western Culture. He also observes that, the differences in cultures are the main cause for conflicts and genocides as experienced in some parts of the world. This author affirms that decreasing cultural differences in the world is a measure for the development of civilization and a visible indicator of enhanced understanding and communication. With regard to the intensity of globalization of American pop culture, which is being entrenched in many parts of the world, the local cultures are being extremely influenced by the American cultural flows in these regions. This has subsequently proved to be overwhelming to these cultures, though in different forms and degrees. In present times, local cultures are increasingly becoming interrelated within the flow of global cultures. This integration is imbued with the capitalistic consumerism that is finely tuned to modern globalization. Owing to this aspect, more emphasis is being centered with regard to the arguments of cultural convergence and cultural hybridization. For the proponents of cultural hybridization, the global flow of capital, technology, information and ideology have led to the differentiation and displacement of local cultural artifacts and space. This has subsequently, resulted into hybrid entities which cannot be reduced to local or global perspectives. In consideration of the dislodging of local cultures from their anchoring in specific geographic localities, the approach in the cultural convergence is more focused on global assimilation in the direction of cultures that are prominent, in this case, the American culture, thus leading to the...
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