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Why Does Socialism Stress The Needs Of Society Over The Individual?

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Social Sciences
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The very meaning of socialism is about common ownership. This indicates that resources belong to the whole world. According to practice, common ownership will be about everyone having the chance to take part in decision-making on the usage of global resources. It means there is no one capable of taking personal control on resources more than what they need.
In this day and age, the term “socialism” pertains to the left part of political thought. There are socialists that think that everyone should handle businesses and stakeholders, the cooperative, and some choose to support different governmental degrees (Gilmour, 2016).
During the course of history, socialists have fought about how the change needs to happen. Revolutionaries that are called for an abrupt overthrow of violence of capitalism, the reformists are working to improve the governmental model to a social system.
Countries cannot be called socialist if there has been no declaration of the constitution or it is not part of their name. In the past, it may have been practiced in a lot of countries, but the country did not get the label as being socialist.
When there is production underdoing socialism will only be for use. According to the natural and technical resources belonging to the world, the main purpose of production is to meet the needs of every human. The buying and selling of money will be put to an end when this occurs. People are going to take what they want from a communal source in the community.
Socialism stresses on the needs of an individual because it impacts how a person lives. When a person wakes up in the morning, the majority of them get up to work. A person may choose to rather daydream about going on a cruise and spend 1 hour doing that. The presence of an alarm clock will remind a person that daydreaming is not good enough to pay bills. World cruise ideas should give way to the reality of working (World Socialism, 2006).
If someone goes to work riding a bus or a train, a ticket must be bought. No money is needed for buying the ticket, and there will be no transportation for going to work. A million workers use a car for transportation. There are congested roads at the start of every working day and everyone is anxious because they have cannot be late.
The varying needs and lifestyles of people is what ma...
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