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Social Workers and the Frail Older Adults

Essay Instructions:

Question 1 (25 marks)

Discuss any FIVE (5) core components that contribute to a systematic evaluation of frail older adults in any hypothetical situation of self neglect.

(25 marks)

Question 2 (25 marks)

Appraise any FIVE (5) areas of focus or intent on eldercare policymaking and programme development in striving to meet the needs of frail older adults highlighted in Question 1

(25 marks)

Question 3 (25 marks)

As professional social workers, the work with older adults and families is both dynamic and demanding. Apply FIVE (5) the relevant knowledge, skills, and/or attributes required of the social workers in order to work competently in the eldercare sector.

(25 marks)

Question 4 (25 marks)

a) Explain the unique challenges experienced by older adults with the digital shift during Covid.

(10 marks)

b) When planning for social and digital inclusion, discuss how the public and private sectors can work together to help seniors adapt to technology and ensure that they are not excluded in digital adoption.

(15 marks)

The End

I have attached the lecture slides and the textbook for the course so that you can follow what is taught in class when you are writing the answer. Thank you.

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1 Discuss any FIVE (5) core components that contribute to a systematic evaluation of frail older adults in any hypothetical situation of self-neglect.
The core components, such as medical evaluation, cognitive assessment, functional assessment, psychosocial assessment, and environmental assessment, can comprehensively evaluate a frail older adult in a hypothetical situation of self-neglect (Aliberti et al., 2019). These core components can help identify any underlying medical or psychological issues contributing to their self-neglect and inform appropriate interventions and care plans.
Evaluation of older adults in situation of self-neglect: – Medical evaluation.
One of the essential steps in evaluating a frail older adult in a situation of self-neglect is to conduct a thorough medical evaluation. It aims to identify and understand the underlying medical conditions that may contribute to self-neglect. Frail older adults are often more susceptible to chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or neurological disorders. These conditions can impact their physical functioning, cognitive abilities, and overall well-being, potentially leading to difficulty maintaining adequate self-care.
Evaluation of older adults in situation of self-neglect: – Cognitive functioning evaluation.
It is necessary to evaluate the cognitive functioning of the older adult, including memory, reasoning, and decision-making abilities. It is critical in evaluating an individual’s cognitive abilities, such as memory, attention, and executive processes, which are necessary for decision-making and self-care. Older adults experiencing cognitive decline, such as those with dementia or other cognitive impairments, may have difficulty recognizing and addressing their self-neglect. Their diminished cognitive abilities can hinder their capacity to understand the consequences of their actions or make informed decisions regarding their well-being.
Evaluation of older adults in situation of self-neglect: – Functional evaluation.
A functional assessment helps to determine the older adult's ability to perform daily activities independently. It includes assessing their ability to manage personal hygiene, prepare meals, manage medications, and maintain a clean and safe living environment. In situations of self-neglect, functional evaluation provides valuable insights into the individual's capacity to meet their daily needs independently. It helps identify any functional impairments or limitations that may contribute to self-neglect.
Evaluation of older adults in situation of self-neglect: – Psychosocial evaluation.
A psychosocial evaluation assesses the individual's social support system, including family relationships, friendships, and community networks. It helps determine the availability and adequacy of social support, which can significantly impact an older adult's ability to maintain their well-being and engage in self-care activities. Lack of social support or strained relationships can leave older adults vulnerable to self-neglect, as they may have limited assistance or encouragement to address their needs.
Evaluation of older adults in situation of self-neglect: – Environmental evaluation.
Assessing the older adult’s living environment is crucial to identifying potential safety hazards. It includes assessing the physical environment for cleanliness, safety, and structural integrity (Hillier & Barrow, 2014). This evaluation helps identify environmental factors that may contribute to self-neglect and assesses the safety and suitability of the living conditions.
Hence, these components are essential factors contributing to the systematic evaluation of frail older adults who might feel self-neglect. These factors are essential to protecting the health and well-being of frail older adults and promoting their quality of life.
2 Appraise any FIVE (5) areas of focus or intent on eldercare policymaking and programme development in striving to meet the needs of frail older adults highlighted in Question 1.
Based on the five core components mentioned, the five areas of focus or intent on eldercare policymaking and program development to meet the needs of frail older adults are medical and healthcare, mental health, social support, home safety and accessibility, and caregiver support.
Areas of focus on eldercare policymaking and programme development to meet the needs of older adults – Access to Healthcare
Elderly individuals often have complex healthcare needs, including chronic conditions and age-related frailties. Eldercare policymaking should prioritize providing comprehensive healthcare services that address physical, mental, and social well-being. It may involve ensuring affordable and accessible healthcare services, specialized geriatric care, and integrated care models that promote coordination among healthcare providers.
Areas of focus on eldercare policymaking and programme development to meet the needs of older adults – Long-term Care Support
Frail older adults may require assistance with daily activities and long-term care services. Policymakers must focus on developing and expanding support systems such as home care, assisted living facilities, and nursing homes. These services must meet the needs of frail older adults and provide options for different levels of care, ensuring a continuum of care that allows individuals to age in place whenever possible.
Areas of focus on eldercare policymaking and programme development to meet the needs of older adults – Social Support
Isolation and loneliness are significant challenges for many frail older adults. Eldercare policies should emphasize the development of social support programs and community engagement initiatives. It may include establishing senior centers, social clubs, and intergenerational activities that promote social interaction, reduce isolation, and enhance the overall well-being of frail older adults.
Areas of focus on eldercare policymaking and programme development to meet the needs of older adults – Financial Assistance
Many frail older adults face financial difficulties, especially with limited income or savings. Policymakers should prioritize developing financial assistance programs and pension schemes that support older adults in meeting their basic needs and ensuring a dignified and secure retirement. It may involve expanding social security benefits, providing healthcare and long-term care subsidies, and implementing mechanisms to protect older adults from financial exploitation.
Areas of focus on eldercare policymaking and programme development to meet the needs of older adults – Age-friendly infrastructure
Frail older adults often en...
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