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Social Work Practice: Conversation between a Social Worker and the Client

Essay Instructions:

Social work assignment: Working with clients.

At least 10 references, APA format, 7th edition (Important).

Question (100 marks).

Write a conversation script of a role play between a social worker and the client(s).

You are meeting the client for the FIRST interview.

Your client is presenting financial issues to you at this time.

You are to analyse the family situation in detail.

However, remember that you are not to incorporate any issues of suicide, family violence, child abuse, or mental health in your interview.

You can develop your role play interview script based on fictional content.

You are to write a conversation script of the WHOLE FIRST interview session you conducted with your client.

(A) Describe and demonstrate how you have used the following social work skills in your interview using the given format.

See table 1.

You may use the various social work skills more than once throughout your script.

However, marks will only be given for that particular ONE example in the conversation which you have chosen.

(Write the example which you have chosen in BOLD).

There are a total of SIX social work skills, only write one example per skill in BOLD.

i) use of empathy

ii) reframing

iii) clarification

iv) paraphrasing

v) use of open-ended question

vi) information-giving

(24 marks).

(B) Discuss and explain in detail the rationale/intent of using each of the SIX skills at a specific juncture in your conversation.

(30 marks).

C) Outline a proper introduction (your role/services/organisation confidentiality policy etc) and a conclusion IN YOUR CONVERSATION with your client as this is the first time you are meeting him/her.

(32 marks).

D) You will be assessed on the overall congruence, flow of your interview and the use of citations.

(14 marks).


Just some additional information for the assignment.

When asking questions in the interview and analyzing the family's situation, try to ask for details which you would want to know in order to fill in a genogram.

The main presenting issue must be financial.

When filling in the table, for example:

Client - My savings are running out and I may not have enough money for family expenses next week.

SW - It sounds like you are worried about your family's survival. (Use of empathy)

For the skill - use of empathy, we need to describe and explain it. What is empathy etc?

Lastly, we need to explain WHY are we using the skill.

The introduction and conclusion are part of your conversation in the interview.

Introduction: It is in the first part of the interview and part of your engagement stage with the client, where you introduce your name/role/organization, as well as clarify your social work practice.

Conclusion: It is in the last part of the interview and you should include some social work interview skills like summarizing.

All the content of the assignment should be in the table.

Thank you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Work Practices
Student Name
Instructors Name
Social Work Practice

Describe and demonstrate the skill

Discuss and explain the rationale for the use of skill for this junction

Q: Thank you for being here today. My name is Janie, and I am a clinical social worker at the square company. The company is located in the eastern part. In the square company, we have many forms of confidential information. This information includes; unpublished financial information, the company's marketing strategy, new technology, and customers list. We are not allowed to disclose unpublished financial records since it is our confidential information at all costs. Also, the necessary information must be shredded when the information is no longer necessary. My roles as a clinical social worker at square include interviewing doctors and my clients, offering assistance to doctors and supporting groups, monitoring clients' responses to treatment, offering guidance and counseling to the families going through tough times (Idris, 2020). I also do record keeping. I think that is all about me, now could you please tell me about yourself?

Client A: Thank you for giving me this opportunity. My name is Rose. I am a lady of age twenty-five. I graduated last year from Washington University with a bachelor's degree in social work. As a social worker, I have worked with society one company for over two months now under the research and development department. Working there has helped me grow in my career as I focus on research and development for large-scale and small-scale programs to assist my community at large.

Q: Thank you, Rose, for that; please can you tell us about your family background

Client A: I come from a small city in the North where the living standards are still under expectation; I hope someday I can take my skills and knowledge learned in social work to assist my people in the city. I come from a family of five. I have two brothers who are still in school, and I am the eldest among my siblings.

Q: It seems like you are worried about your city. Anyway, everything will be okay soon

Use of empathy- It seems that you are worried about your city.

The intended purpose is to make the client understand how the social worker took that statement. As a result, the client feels free and open with the social worker, reducing tension during the interview (Güleç, 2020). The bond between the client and the client is created. There is also better enhancement of understanding and fitting in the emotional states. These help social workers work with different clients facing different challenges and assist them in overcoming them confidently (Jia, 2020). The act of empathy reflects one's value and dignity of a person by guiding others to respect people's situations, strengths, and weaknesses.

Client A: Thank you so much, Janie.

Q: Welcome, Rose; where do you see yourself 6 years from now?

Client A: In six years from now, I see myself in a good position to assist my family members with their basic and secondary needs

Q: When you said that you want to assist your family is growing, how will your intent to do that?

Use of clarification- When you said you want to assist your family, how will you intend to do

It enables social workers to understand the client's behavior from a different perspective. Vague messages and confusing details are cleared up, and everything is tabled. The clarification also enables the social worker to be on the same page (Gutiérrez et al., 2020). Without clarification, the social worker may be thinking the opposite of what the client is saying. It also enables social workers to have a deeper understanding of what the client is referring to. As we may see, person Q seeks details of what the client is trying to say indirectly. It is inappropriate to seek clarity more than expected as the client may view one as a poor listener.

Client A: I intend to pursue my master's degree in social work and later work on my Ph.D. program. This will put me in a better position to compete favorably in the market. In addition, it will enable me to secure my dream job and open a business for my family members. Through these businesses, my family will be better in life.

Client A: Point taken; I think you have explained to me very well. I truly understand that every dream Is possible.

Q: What are your most preferred means of communication?

Client A: I think my most preferred method of communication is phone calls. Of course, they are cheaper and more accessible to many. I think all my family members use this method.

Q: Okay, good I think I need your number too so that I may find you and keep communicating with you (laughing)

Q: If you don't mind, can you please share your experience in financial planning and budgeting?

Use of open-ended questions- If you don't mind, can you please share your

Open-ended questions enable the social worker to understand better, as they do not provide answers for yes or no. When the client explains more on the question, the social worker can expand on details and get more elicit examples. Such questions enable the client to elaborate on the situation and understand how and what questions (Schonlau et al., 2019). It can be inappropriate during the open session when one asks too many irrelevant questions.

Client A: Okay, my friend is my financial planner. I can confidently say that he has assisted me in planning my finances. He influences all my financial decisions. He oversees my financial plan and my budget (Carney, 2019). I am his potential client since we have created a long-lasting relationship. My mother has been ill for a while now, and with the finances have been saving, she can access the medication. Therefore, I can confidently refer people to my financial planner.

Q: Wow, that's an inspiring story. Your mother must be proud of you, I am sure.

Reframing skills-Your mother must be proud of you.

Reframing skills requires one to see a problem in a new direction. This allows the client to view...
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