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Social Work and Healthcare: White Paper on Healthier SG

Essay Instructions:

Discussion Assignment:

The Healthcare White Paper in Singapore on Healthier SG was passed in Parliament on 5 Oct 2022. It can be accessed at https://www(dot)healthiersg(dot)gov(dot)sg/.

Link: https://www(dot)todayonline(dot)com/commentary/commentary-long-overdue-healthcare-reforms-through-healthier-sg-real-challenges-lie-ahead-2000056

The Singapore Healthcare White Paper on Healthier SG is a landmark paper that will have an impact on healthcare for the population in Singapore.

As the White Paper on Healthier SG also includes stakeholders in the social service sector and the community; it is a paper that both healthcare professionals and social service providers need to familiarize themselves with and consistently review it critically.

The discussion assignment questions will add greater depth to your thoughts on the White Paper on Healthier SG.

This assignment will test your ability to apply the ecological systems theory developed by Urie Bronfenbrenner; a theory that that social workers are expected to know at their fingertips.

Begin this assignment by reading carefully, the ecological systems theory developed by Urie Bronfenbrenner.

Once you have a good understanding on the theory, attempt the following question(s) for your discussion assignment:

Identify with justification, the weakest link in the White Paper on Healthier SG by applying the Urie Bronfenbrenner ecological systems theory.

Propose with explanation, an intervention in any one of the systems from the Urie Bronfenbrenner ecological systems theory that will have the greatest impact in addressing the weakest link that you have identified in your response to the previous question.

The initiatives highlighted in the White Paper on Healthier SG cannot be accomplished by an individual.

People need to come together in groups to work on them. This assignment will prepare you for the work you need to do as a registered social worker in Singapore.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Work and Healthcare
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February 16, 2023
Social Work and Healthcare
Understanding the relationship between society and the workplace is essential for change. This includes the individual elements, overarching structure, and their interconnection. According to Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory, the interactions between numerous elements in the individual, microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem levels of the environment impact how humans evolve. Applying this idea to the Healthcare White Paper on Healthier SG made it possible to determine that the exosystem was the weakest link.
Understanding the Exosystem
The exosystem is the broader social, cultural, economic, and political systems that indirectly impact a person's development. The exosystem in the context of the Healthcare White Paper on Healthier SG would include more general policies, social norms, and cultural attitudes that influence the population's health and well-being (Mulisa, 2019).
In line with this, the Healthcare White Paper on Healthier SG offers a thorough plan to enhance the healthcare system and encourage healthy living. However, it might need to fully address the larger social and cultural elements contributing to Singapore's low health outcomes. For instance, the paper needed to adequately address the more general social factors that influence health, such as inequality, poverty, and access to wholesome foods and secure settings.
It may be required to address these broader social and cultural issues that affect health through a multisectoral approach involving partnerships between various government agencies, civil society organizations, and the private sector to enhance overall health results. This would increase the implementation and efficacy of the measures outlined in the document by addressing the Healthcare White Paper's weakest point and enlarging its scope to cover these social and cultural issues. Implementing policies that address the social determinants of health would be a potential intervention that could have the biggest influence on addressing the weakest link indicated in the previous response, which is the exosystem. Working on this ...
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