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Social Work and Healthcare in Singapore

Essay Instructions:

Social Work and Healthcare in Singapore

Assignment guidelines:

The total length of answer to the question should be at MOST 1300 words.

Reference correctly according to APA guidelines.

You must cite at least four recent academic references in the paper.

Question Answer (40 marks).  Reference and overall organization (10 marks).

The White Paper on Healthier SG was passed in Parliament on 5 Oct 2022. It can be accessed at https://www.healthiersg.gov.sg/.

Read the following commentary relating to The White Paper on Healthier SG (passed in Parliament on 5 Oct 2022) and answer all parts of the question.

Commentary: Long overdue healthcare reforms through Healthier SG, but real challenges lie ahead.


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Healthier SG
Due Date
Healthier SG
Question 1A
Healthier SG is a national movement in Singapore that aims to promote healthier living and reduce the prevalence of chronic diseases in the population. The critical features of a Healthier SG include a holistic approach in the sense that the movement is made up of a comprehensive approach to the well-being and the health of the nation. To this end, the movement advocates for healthy eating, proper sleeping, observing physical activity, and the pursuit of mental wellness as essential to the health of the Singaporeans (Soh et al., 2014). The program also focuses on targeted interventions. Specific health concerns such as obesity, diabetes, and mental health are addressed in the program with the help of targeted interventions that are informed by the epidemiology of such diseases. Upon implementation of the targeted initiatives, Healthier SG uses data and analytics to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of its interventions and to inform decision-making.
Notably, the program is founded upon the principle of multi-stakeholder involvement in the sense that the programs seek to make sure that wide range of stakeholder are involved in determining the health of Singaporeans. Government agencies, healthcare providers, employers, schools, community organizations, and individuals are some of the key stakeholders whose opinion was considered during its development. In line with this, the program leverages public-private partnerships to drive its initiatives and achieve its objectives. The communities are also engaged and empowered to take program ownership for the health of its members as well as to promote the well-being of its members.
Question 1 B
The successful implementation of the Healthier Sg is likely to be impeded by three main challenges. First, resources constraints is a key challenge that is likely to impeded the successful implementation of the healthier SG. The constraints include financial, human, and technological resources constraints. To this end, there have been studies that have suggested that it is costly for individuals in Singapore to attain healthy eating than to pursue unhealthy eating. Consequently, it is difficult for low-income individuals and families to adopt healthier eating habits despite the measure being one of the leading features of Healthier SG. Additionally, there may be a shortage of healthcare professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge to implement Healthier SG effectively. The resource constraint means that the country may lack the sufficient number of healthcare professionals is required to meet the healthcare needs of Singapore's population. The situation is exacerbated by a declining age that significantly increases the demand for healthcare in the country (Malhotra et al., 2018). It is also essential to consider that the absence of sufficiently number of healthcare professionals means that the country may struggle to maintain the quality of care envisioned by the program. The Healthier SG has to address the shortage of facilities as required to increase access to care and guarantee the delivery of high-quality healthcare services.
Second, the implementation of healthier SG is likely to be impeded by cultural and behavioral challenges. Societal norms, beliefs, and practices related to food, physical activity, and health are likely to negatively influence the success of various proposed intervention if they are not adequately addressed. Research has shown that Singaporeans have a strong preference for traditional, high-calorie foods and may be resistant to changes in their diets (Lim and Van Dam, 2020). The consumption of high calorie food exposes the Singaporeans to preventable chronic diseases including obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and nutrient deficiencies. Thus, the program is unlikely to succeed in encouraging the consumption of the balanced diet unless the potential impact of cultural norms is addressed.
Another cultural norm that is likely to negatively influence the implementation of Healthier SG is the observation that Singaporeans tend to engage in sedentary behaviors, such as watching television, for prolonged periods of time (Nurjono et al., 2018). Sedentary behaviors such as prolonged sitting has been associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some forms of cancer. This is because sedentary behavior leads to a decrease in the body's ability to regulate glucose and fat metabolism, which can result in the development of chronic diseases. Other negative consequence of sedentary behaviors includes poor musculoskeletal health, reduce lifespan, and mental health challenges. In such a way, Healthy SG must implement measures that targets behavioral change in Singaporeans to achieve its objectives.
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