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Social Solidarity and the Division of Labor: Durkheim

Essay Instructions:

SOCI303 B001 Fall 2023

Assignment 2: Social Solidarity and the Division of Labor: Durkheim

For this assignment, we will focus on Durkheim and social solidarity, in addition to the division of labor. For this assignment you will write an essay, answering each of the questions/points below.

Essay instructions and must have:

- Write an introduction for your paper. Within the introduction, be sure to include a thesis statement.

- Explain Durkheim's thesis on social solidarity in different types of societies.

- Include at least two peer-reviewed journal articles no more than five years old.

- Explain how the various types of social solidarity are tied to the division of labor in society.

- Apply at least two social concepts.

- Explain social solidarity and the meaning of collective conscience.

- Apply at least one social theory.

- Finally, not everyone adapts well to the highly specialized division of labor in societies characterized by organic solidarity. Explain.

- Explain the anomic division of labor.

Essay format:

1. The paper should be typed, double-spaced, 1" margins, times new roman 12 pt. font, and saved as a .doc, in the format: Lastname_SOCI303_Assignment two

2. The essay should include an APA title page and reference page (does not count toward the page length requirements).

3. Use APA format for citations and references.

4. Include subheadings to identify each section.

5. The essay should be 4-6 pages (not counting the title and reference page)

General requirements:

Submissions should be typed, double-spaced, 1" margins, times new roman 12 pt font, and saved as .doc, .docx, .pdf.

Use APA format for citations and references

View the grading rubric so you understand how you will be assessed on this Assignment.

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This course has "Resubmission" status enabled to help you if you realized you submitted an incorrect or blank file, or if you need to submit multiple documents as part of your Assignment. Resubmission of an Assignment after it is grades, to attempt a better grade, is not permitted.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Solidarity and the Division of Labor
Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Professor’s Name
Social Solidarity and the Division of Labor
Emile Durkheim defines social solidarity as the cohesion between people in society, which facilitates stability and social order. In other words, individuals’ interdependence in society makes them feel like they can improve others’ lives. Social solidarity also entails taking care of the interests and needs of underprivileged communities. Durkheim illustrates the division of labor, which refers to the establishment of jobs for certain individuals. In that light, when people work together they improve their skills and productivity, creating a feeling of solidarity among them. The paper focuses on Durkheim’s concepts of social solidarity and the division of labor.
Durkheim’s Thesis on Social Solidarity in Different Types of Societies
Durkheim argues that there can be no society created in the notion of individualism. Social solidarity must be there for society to function effectively (Khairulyadi, Ikramatoun, & Nisa, 2022). Based on him, social solidarity contributes to the formation of different types of societies. Durkheim asserts that the type of social solidarity differs depending on the type of society, namely organic and mechanical. Social solidarity in a mechanical society enhances the integration and cohesion that comes from individuals’ homogeneity. In this type of society, people are connected via similar education, work, age, religion, lifestyle, and gender. For example, individuals undertaking the same work feel connected since they usually face similar things and have undergone through the same training. In other terms, mechanical solidarity operates in small-scale and traditional societies. The social solidarity in these simpler societies is based on familial networks and kinship. Solidarity usually arises when people relate well to each other, leading to a mutual agreement that makes individuals committed to one another and focused on achieving the set objectives (Umanailo et al., 2019). As such, solidarity fosters the feeling of togetherness and ownership of a specific group.
On the contrary, social solidarity works differently in an organic society. Organic solidarity refers to the social cohesion that is based on the interdependence that emanates from individuals’ complementarianism and work specialization. For instance, industrialization in modern societies has led to the subdivision of labor. Some people work as accountants, human resource managers, casual workers, and executives. The division of labor enables individuals to be hired based on their skills and knowledge. In an organic society, people’s roles create interdependence in such a way that individuals depend on and need each other (Wandi, Afnita, & Hefni, 2021). Despite individuals undertaking distinctive tasks in an organic society, social solidarity is based on the reliance on each person to perform assigned tasks. Such complex societies maintain social solidarity through individuals’ interdependence to undertake different tasks. For example, automotive industries manufacture tractors that are sold to farmers so that they can produce enough food for everyone. 
How Various Types of Social Solidarity are tied to the Division of Labor in Society
The two primary types of social solidarity are mechanical and organic. Specifically, mechanical solidarity relies on collective conscience. The cohesion among individuals emanates from their homogeneity, such as similar educational levels and work. In this light, collective conscience means the shared sets of beliefs are the ones that connect people to society. As such, the division of labor comes from how individuals who have attained the same educational level, religion, or those who come from a particular culture can outperform others (Umanailo et al., 2019). For instance, international companies hire people from specific cultures since they want to embrace diversity. Based on their perspectives, including individuals from diverse communities in their workforce enables them to capture the needs of their customers from various parts of the world. In contrast, organic solidarity creates a divisi...
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