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Social Sciences and Issues: Impacts of Religion in Economic Development

Essay Instructions:

Final Paper Review and Expectations
Aim of SSC 101 paper: This course requires each student to submit a final social issues research paper. The paper should be 6 pages in length and use APA format. The purpose of the paper is to supplement course content by doing a deeper dive into any social topics within the course and use one (or a combination) social science approach e.g. Sociology, Anthropology, Geography, Economics, History, Psychology. The goal of this paper is to link one of the approaches covered to the evidenced material world. The paper is worth 25% of your total grade.
Research: Potential research material may use any of the articles I’ve already posted but can’t be limited to them. You have to conduct your own research and find at least 3 independent sources (in addition to your book). Make sure to link what you research to what you’ve read and what we’ve covered in class (Review the Chapter headings/syllabus for a refresher on the topics we’re covering). Potential Topics can include:
• Healthcare
• Race/Ethnicity/Immigration
• Gender Issues
• Religious social issues
• Government
• Economics
• Family social issues
(Note that you can combine these basic topics and research say, Gender Issues and Healthcare. Just be sure to be clear which approach(es) you want to take. Will you look at the topic using a sociological, geographic or historical perspective or another discipline? You decide and use that as the basis for the articles you will look up and use.)
Page Limit: minimum 6 pages including a Bibliography. (Does not include cover page) Style: APA Format Style (link to style guide)
Sources/Research: Make sure you use multiple credible sources that are no older than 5 years old (at least 3 and your text) using The Medgar Evers Library Database (link) and Google Scholar (link) (NOT regular Google).
Intro: Set up the problem: Describe up the question/hypothesis. Specify what approach you’ll be using. Body: Go into your research findings. Describe in your own words what they say about your topic. What does your research say about the question/topic your exploring? Be specific and clearly link your findings with your topic and the text. Cite pages and chapters in the book that relates to your research. Be sure to cite IN YOUR PAPER and not just at the end in your bibliography.
Conclusion: Come up with an (preliminary) interpretation of your findings. How does your research support or weaken your thesis/question? Are your findings in line with what you’ve been reading about the topic or are there any interesting deviations (remember that you have to back up your statements with research evidence).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Sciences and Issues: Impacts of Religion in Economic Development
Institutional Affiliation
Social Sciences and Issues: Impacts of Religion in Economic Development
Religious affiliation is a common phenomenon among most people in the world today. According to a survey conducted between 2018 and 2019, 65 percent of Americans claimed to be Christians, with 26 percent describing their religious identity as atheists, agnostics, or non-religious (Pew Research Center, 2019). However, government restrictions on religion have continued to be witnessed worldwide, with 41 percent banning religious-related groups in 2019 alone (Majumadar, 2021). According to the Pew Research Center, engaging in systematic violence or security concerns has frequently been cited as reasons for such bans. An emerging discussion among scholars in economics, religion, sociology, philosophy, psychology, and the public is the impact of religiosity on economic development. There have been contradicting reports around this subject, with some studies claiming that religious countries are the poorest. A recent article describes Indonesia as one of the countries that have experienced rapid economic growth yet are highly religious (Bayuni, 2021). In 2018, a study published in the journal of Science Advances indicated that a decline in religious beliefs could influence future economic growth, citing that secular countries may experience more growth (The Economic Times, 2018). Although it has been documented that wealthier nations tend to be secular while impoverished states tend to be religious, it is still debatable whether these claims are authentic. In attempting to resolve the eternal debates, it is critical to assess the impacts of religion in the economic development of countries as one of the important topics in sociology.
Negative Impacts of Religiosity on Economic Performance
The values and beliefs in different religions have historically taken center stage in religious debates and predominated following the 9/11 U.S. bombing by al-Qaeda, a militant Islamic group founded by Osama bin Laden during the 1980s (Mayoral & Esteban, 2018). Religion appears to be a multifaceted social phenomenon that impacts the choices and behaviors of people through multiple channels. Acts of terror such as the 9/11 attacks and jihadism or “Holy War” can be detrimental to economic growth. Besides terrorism, science and religion have often conflicted in several matters ranging from health and climate change to legal and financial issues. On issues related to economics, scientists are for the idea that a key pillar of economic prosperity is innovation. However, studies have shown that as individuals become more religious, they also become less inclined to innovation. Using data from the United States, other researchers have indicated a negative association between patents filed per capita and religiosity. Besides. There is a negative correlation between household income, economic progress, and church attendance. Exogenous differences in religious celebrations and practices such as lengthy Ramadan fasting among Muslims negatively impact output growth in many Muslim nations. On the same note, techniques such as Ramadan can decrease labor supply, resulting in a decline in economic development (Mayoral & Esteban, 2018). Empirical and theoretical literature has consistently shown that religiosity is always associated with a low supply of labor and reduced growth in the economy.
Religion becomes detrimental to individual labor supply and economic performance. This role of religion is evident when some religions impose various constraints on the behaviors of their believers. For instance, religion may dictate what people consume, what and how to dress, use of leisure time, the possibility of divorce, gender roles, rights to abortion, marriages, and gay sexual orientation, among others (Mayoral & Esteban, 2018). While many similar aspects have traditionally been regulated by law in different nations worldwide, administrations have since changed such rules based on religious arguments. For instance, in the past, women's rights for proper education and careers and the rights over their bodies had advanced along with gay rights and the rights to peaceful death or euthanasia. However, the recognition of these rights by governments worldwide might have affected the beliefs of some religious and secular individuals. Although the secular community has accepted the changes, the holy people are still glued to their code of conduct defined by their spiritual teachings (Mayoral & Esteban, 2018). These teachings have significant negative impacts on economic growth, such as liberties. The negative views on liberties such as women in the workforce will be detrimental to the labor supply. Religion tends to halt advanced economies from achieving economic prosperity by reducing labor supply in an economy.
Contributions of Religion in U.S. Economy
The role of religion in fostering a set of attitudes that favor economic growth is one of the mechanisms that link religiosity with economic prosperity. Max Weber (1904) pioneered this argument in his thesis that supported Protestantism attitudes in facilitating honesty and work ethics that saw the growth of capitalism (Mayoral & Esteban, 2018). Studies have also shown that more religious people trust other persons, market outcomes, and public institutions than irreligious individuals. Besides, people with strong religious beliefs tend to be more t...
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