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WWII Technological Framework for Mass Consumption

Essay Instructions:

Please note: No quotations are permitted in this exercise. Use your own words, and properly cite ANY idea NOT your own! You may paraphrase, if you properly cite your sources (see question d) for an illustration of proper citation). Remember, directly using 7 or more words in sequence without quotation marks constitutes plagiarism. You must refer specifically to the reading (demonstrating that you have read it), citing page numbers. Do not use outside (e.g. internet sources) and please work independently -- do not consult with other students.

Succinctly answer the following question in 500 words or less:

How did WWII prepare the technological framework for mass consumption society? Explain, using examples from the reading to illustrate your argument.

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Social Science
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Social Science

Creating and deploying new technologies was a significant force and influence that prepared the mass consumption society. The Second World War prepared the American consumers in diverse ways and created new technological advancement opportunities that created a mass consumption society. During the war period, numerous campaigns and advertisements were aimed to attain voluntary. They mandated compliance with specific programs for mobilizing the consumer front. Through these campaigns, various themes of consumption were stressed, including providing food for the war and saving waste fats for explosives. Many people were also encouraged to remain frugal in their consumption habits. During the period, the advertisement industry responded by creating a council for an advertisement that included the mass media and other advertising agencies. The mass media gave time and space while artists were at the epicenter of the campaign, creating messages for advancing the council's themes (Witkowski, 1998). There were also material shortages, and many consumers were accustomed to new kinds of products. There was a transformation in the way products were packaged as technology provided new models for the consumption society.
Various technologies framework was introduced during the Second World War to serve different functions with most of them designed to provide milit...
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