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Social influences on behaviors

Essay Instructions:
How to Prepare: Review Chapter 1 of the course text, Social Psychology, focusing on how social psychologists would view or attempt to explain a specific situation. Note the example about Edward Snowden. Review Chapter 12 of the course text, Social Psychology, focusing on aggression. Consider the following five topics in which aggressive behavior is demonstrated and how social psychologists versus laypeople might assess each situation: A high school or college campus shooting An act of domestic violence or child abuse within a family Looting of shops or homes after a natural disaster Domestic or global terrorism White collar financial embezzlement Select one of the five aggressive topics listed above for your Discussion post. Think about how social psychology is applied to each case. (Disclaimer: If one of the situations is a sensitive topic for you, select a different topic to post and respond to.) From the following list of social psychology perspectives, select two that you can use to explain the topic you chose for this Discussion: Self-esteem motive or social cognition motive Fundamental attribution error and why it is an error Evolutionary view Culture Sex and/or gender Social cognitive learning theory Physiological influences Media Situational explanation (i.e., frustration and aggression, relative deprivation, provocation and reciprocation, or weapons as aggressive cues) Refer to the Learning Activity you completed prior to this Discussion for examples of how to describe aggressive behavior based on the variety of perspectives. Consider how instances of aggression can be reduced. BY DAY 3 Post a response to the following: In the first line of your post, identify the topic you selected. For your colleague response, you will respond to a different topic than the one you chose. In your own words, briefly describe the two perspectives you selected to analyze for your chosen topic for this Discussion. Using the two social psychology perspectives you selected, explain the aggressor’s behavior in your chosen topic. Be sure to provide details and at least one supporting example for each perspective. Based on your reading of Chapter 12, suggest at least one strategy to prevent or reduce instances of this specific type of aggression, either at the individual level or at the societal level. Be specific and provide examples. Note: Be sure to support your initial post with evidence from at least one of this Week’s Learning Resources. You may state your opinion and/or provide personal examples; however, you must also back up your assertions with evidence, including in-text citation(s) and reference(s) in APA style. Learning Resources: Optional Readings Bushman, B. J., Newman, K., Calvert, S. L., Downey, G., Dredze, M., Gottfredson, M., Jablonski, N. G., Masten, A. S., Morrill, C., Neill, D. B., Romer, D., & Webster, D. W. (2016). Youth violence: What we know and what we need to knowLinks to an external site.. American Psychologist, 71(1), 17–39. Saucier, G., Akers, L. G., Shen-Miller, S., Knežević, G., & Stankov, L. (2009). Patterns of thinking in militant extremismLinks to an external site.. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 4(3), 256–271. https://doi(dot)org/10.1111/j.1745-6924.2009.01123. Optional Media Aronson, E., Wilson, T. D., Sommers, S. R., Page, E., & Lewis, Jr., N. (2023). Social psychology survival tips: Frustration aggression theory at the Links to an external site.airportLinks to an external site. [Video]. In Social psychology (11th ed.). Pearson. https://mediaplayer(dot)pearsoncmg(dot)com/assets/_pmd.true/mypsychlab-2017-aronson10e_0134700651-survival_tips_frederick?mimeType=mp4 Davidson, J. (Director), & Davidson, F. (Producer). (2003). Bandura’s social cognitive theory: An introductionLinks to an external site. [Video]. Davidson Films. https://search-alexanderstreet-com(dot)eu1(dot)proxy(dot)openathens(dot)net/view/work/bibliographic_entity%7Cvideo_work%7C1780107 Scroll down past “Segments” until you get to “Clips.” The relevant video clips are 18th and 19th down on the list. They are titled “The Bobo Doll Experiment, clip 1,” (46 seconds) and "The Bobo Doll Experiment, clip 2" (28 seconds). Note: The approximately length of this entire media piece is 37 minutes, but the two relevant clips are each less than one minute. ShortCutsTV (Producer). (2020). Media and aggressionLinks to an external site. [Video]. Alexander Street. https://video(dot)alexanderstreet(dot)com/watch/media-and-aggression
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Social Influences on Behaviors Student’s Name Institution Course Professor Date Social Influences on Behaviors Domestic and global terrorism use intentional violence to instil fear, disrupt society, and achieve political, religious, or ideological goals. Aggression has significant societal consequences, necessitating social psychology research. I chose "Domestic or global terrorism" to analyze violent conduct through social psychology. I shall investigate this problem from the evolutionary and media perspectives. Evolutionary View Aggression may have evolved as a survival tactic, according to evolution. In the case of terrorism, organized violence may have protected resources, territory, or group cohesion in the ancestral environment. The evolutionary concept of terrorism suggests that terrorists are motivated by a deep-seated need to safeguard their perceived interests, even if they are radical or harmful (Godefroidt, 2020). A terrorist organization may defend its activities as protecting cultural or religious values, using the innate impulse to maintain group identity. The participants may consider themselves warriors defending their group from per...
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