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Social Conditions: Gender Inequality and Early Childhood Development

Essay Instructions:

Students will choose and address a social condition (e.g., socioeconomic status, gender inequality, race/ethnicity, …)* that influences infant, child, and/or adolescent development. They will make the case and provide evidence as to how and why this social condition influences development.

(*other social conditions can be accepted after getting the instructor’s approval)

The essay should begin by defining and explaining the social condition that will be discussed. Its relevance to children and young people, whether it is a global or local issue, are there Canadian specific data? Make the case for why this issue is of importance. End the introduction with the thesis statement or argument for the essay. An example of an appropriate thesis statement: “Children growing up in low socioeconomic status (SES) households will have poorer child development than those growing up in higher SES households”. You may specify whether you wish to address all aspects of development or one or more of cognitive, social, emotional, physical and which region you will be referring to (Canadian, global, Global South, ...).

The essay should then summarize the three articles you chose to support your claim. Each article should be summarized in one paragraph. Include only the aspects from the article that support or challenge the essay’s thesis statement.

The fifth paragraph should describe the theory you chose to explain their thesis statement. Define and explain what they theory is, then explain how and why this topic fits within this theory.

The sixth and seventh paragraphs will integrate and synthesize the three readings and theory. Each paragraph will have a distinct topic sentence that support or challenge the thesis statement. The paragraphs’ text will support the respective topic sentence using the three journal articles, the chosen theory, and the class textbook (if they chose to use the textbook).

The conclusion will restate the thesis statement, the topic sentences, and provide brief conclusions.

Avoid the use of direct quotes. The paper must be written in your own words.

Avoid the use of the first person (e.g., “I”, “me”, …).


The essay will use theory and other topics discussed in-class, as well as journal articles as their evidence. A minimum of three journal articles and one theory should formulate the base of the student's discussion. The journal articles should be relatively recent, i.e., not older than 2010. This being said, "more" is not necessarily better; students should use their discretion in making a strong argument and using the appropriate references to defend their position.

Formatting and references:

The essay should be 6 full pages, size 12 font, double spaced, uploaded to via SafeAssign on Blackboard. It will use APA 7 in-text citations and references. The title page and APA 7 reference list are not to be counted in the page limit.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Gender Inequality and Early childhood Development
Institution Affiliation
Gender Inequality and Early childhood Development
Gender inequality is the discrimination of an individual based on their sex or gender, making one gender feel privileged or prioritized over the other. Gender equality is a fundamental human right in which boys and girls learn to respect other people and their rights appropriately. Children learn cognitive, social, and emotional skills at an early age which affects the rest of their life. Also, at an early age, children learn gender attitudes and roles in society depending on the way they see their parents, caregivers, and teacher treat each gender. Therefore, children in a gender-equality environment tend to be healthier, have high self-esteem, have justice for both boys and girls, and have a guaranteed protective future with equal opportunities.
According to Black et al, the first years of a child are the most important in child development as 90% of their brain is built in which they learn social, cognitive, language, and emotional skills, that forms the foundation for productive adulthood, health, healthy relationship wellbeing ( 2017). Consequently, boys and girls learn gendered norms, expectations, and attitudes of their community. This means that by the time children are enrolled in elementary or primary school, they understand how they are expected to behave, their future role in society and how they are valued. This means that if a child grew up in a gender inequality and discrimination environment, they might end up discriminative or a victims of gender discrimination.
According to United Nations (UN,), gender inequality is a global issue that mostly affects women and girls. Gender inequality is common in developing countries such as Afghanistan, Iran, Tunisia, and other countries. According to the World Bank, approximately 2.4 billion women workers experience inequality in their places of work, while other countries have laws that limit women from achieving their potential (World Bank Group,2022). In Canada, gender inequality is still a problem as women earn 28% less than men for the same type of job, hold 8% of the top-paying jobs, and almost 50% of women have experienced harassment and assault (Gregory,2018). Therefore, this paper seeks to find out how gender inequality affects a child’s development in society globally.
Early childhood is the most significant phase of development. In regions with the highest cases of gender inequality, children exhibit poor growth (United Nations, n.d). A mother is a primary caregiver to children, and thus, their attitude and mental health shape the future of the child. Boys learn how to treat women based on the set societal norm, while girls learn to fight for their rights and resources based on how empowered adult women are. Statistically, gender inequality is the root course of poverty and underdevelopment in developing countries (United Nations). In developing countries, gender inequality means that the girl child receives less nutrition, less education, and inadequate opportunities to develop. This lowers their self-esteem and ability to progress in life based on societal roles.
In research by Looze et al. (2017), gender equality fosters happy and satisfied teen life compared to countries with gender inequality. Accordingly, when the teens feel supported by both parents, it improves social context and reduces social crimes as individuals respect both genders. Further, the researcher argues that in Europe and North America, teens exhibit a happy and satisfied life compared to teens in countries with high cases of gender inequality. Further, social support fosters positive emotions compared to gender inequality countries. 
Additionally, gender inequality affects the mental health of children and women. According to Leonard (2021), it causes panic, trauma, and unhealed childhood issues that affect growth and development. In addition, when this child grows up, they end up being angry and advocates of gender inequality. 
Vygotsky's Theory of Social Development
Lev Vygotsky, a Soviet Union scientist, was the pioneer of social development theories which are widely used. His theories state that society plays a key role in modeling a child's behavior. Further, he states that children and adults develop their behavior from the action of their friends and those they drive authority from. Through the interactions, they learn of things they can do, they can completely not do, and things they can do with the help of others. Additionally, through the interactions, individuals develop a zone of proximal development, which includes activities and behaviors that they can work on to complete autonomously (Mcleod, 2022). 
Additionally, Vygotsky argues that interactions with others increase informational skills and that children are born with elementar...
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