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2 pages/≈550 words
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Sisterhood: Political Solidarity Among Women

Essay Instructions:

Read p2-17 of the PDF, which is p1-17&43-55 of the book.

First, give a brief summary of the content of the article in one or two sentences.

Then analyze and give response on one and a half articles you have read. Analysis requires the analysis of the content of the article fragments(each article), as well as the overall reading of the each article.


summary of the 【first】 article- fragment analysis- overall analysis

summary of the 【second】 article- fragment analysis- overall analysis

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Reading Response
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Reading Response
Sisterhood: Political Solidarity Among Women
This article focuses on the internal differences between women and their effect on the achievement of equal rights for women. The author explores some of these differences and explains why they should act as deterrents.
Fragment Analysis
The main idea is that women need to come together if they are to achieve equal rights. The author gives an example of the general hatred that supposedly exists between women. About this societal fact, the author emphasizes that women should move beyond it and realize that they need to stand together. This is a bold statement from the author. However, it is likely not to work in real life.
Given that white women are already oppressing their colored counterparts, they will be unlikely to come together and stand as one. The author also notes the issue of bourgeois white women and how they tend to oppress their colored counterparts. In such a feminine society, it is hard for all women's interests to be represented. This problem mirrors the current issue of racism in the United States. White people seem unwilling to surrender that which grants them superiority over people of color. In the women's movement, the same can be said of bourgeois white women.
Overall Analysis
The author brings to the fore the main issues that hinder solidarity among women. The idea that women can do better by setting aside their diff...
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