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Singapore Social Work- Eldercare: Social Work Values and Skills

Essay Instructions:

Discuss and explain how you would apply the following when working with the elderly: Use case examples to support your answer.

1) social work values

- integrity

- dignity and worth of the person

- importance of human relationship

- social justice

- service to humanity

- competency

2) social work skills

- rapport building with the senior and his/her family members

- encourage client to maintain and establish roles and relationships

- effective listening and communication skills

- facilitating case/family conferences - discharge care plan/advance care planning (ACP)

- promote reminiscence

- build on elders unique interests and skills

- offer maximum opportunities for decision making - promote autonomy

- bereavement and grief

- networking with appropriate agencies and social service organizations

- social report writing

I will upload the lecture slides so that you can follow what is taught in class when writing the answer, thank you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Singapore Social Work- Eldercare: Social Work Values and Social Work Skills
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Singapore Social Work- Eldercare: Social Work Values and Social Work Skills
Social Work Values
Integrity is a fundamental social work value that requires practitioners to act honestly and ethically, ensuring their actions align with their client's best interests. Social workers must also be transparent and accountable, ensuring their activities do not compromise their clients' trust. A case example is Ms. Tan, a late-70s woman who lost her spouse and felt alone and overwhelmed. She battled with cash, medical appointments, and housekeeping. Recognizing the value of integrity, a social worker approached Ms. Tan with empathy and respect for her autonomy. The social worker validated Ms. Tan's pain and anxiety by listening to her concerns. The social worker worked with Ms. Tan to create a care plan that met her requirements and reflected her values. The social worker connected Ms. Tan to senior support groups and volunteers who could help with practical duties. The social worker upheld integrity by giving accurate information, maintaining confidentiality, and supporting Ms. Tan in making health decisions.
Dignity and Worth of the Person
To maintain dignity, social workers must accept and appreciate the intrinsic worth of every person, regardless of background, culture, or ability. It involves respecting, understanding, and praising clients (Appleton, 2010). Seniors can maintain their dignity by making decisions and having social workers fight for their rights. A case example is Ms. Tan, who is old and childless. She's depressed and isolated. Ms. Tan's social worker-built rapport, listened to her problems, and provided emotional support. The social worker advised Ms. Tan to join a community center to meet other seniors and participate in activities. The social worker and community center personnel ensured Ms. Tan's requirements were addressed and that she felt comfortable engaging in activities. Ms. Tan regained her dignity and self-esteem.
Importance of Human Relationships
Social professionals know that strong connections may help people develop, heal, and thrive. Social workers build trust, empathy, and respect with clients (Kennedy, 2019). They foster healthy relationships between clients, their families, careers, and community members. A case example is Mr. Lee, who lives alone in Singapore. Financial problems threatened his eviction, hence met with a social worker to analyze his finances. The social worker also contacted Mr. Lee's neighbors and community members for help. Mr. Lee's social worker helped him reach his relatives abroad. Mr. Lee overcame financial issues and stayed in his house with community and family assistance.
Social Justice
Social workers advocate for vulnerable and disadvantaged people and communities to promote social justice. Social workers combat ageism, poverty, and healthcare and social service access for older people (Bhuyan et al., 2017). They enable customers to make decisions and advocate for their rights. A case example is Mrs. Wong, a renter who is elderly and sick. She can hardly afford her medical bills. Mrs. Wong applied for financial aid and healthcare subsidies with a social worker. The social worker also wrote to Mrs. Wong's landlord to request health-related renovations. The social worker sent Mrs. Wong to a community legal clinic for housing rights counseling. Mrs. Wong received financial and legal aid from the social worker and community resources to enhance her life and health.
Service to Humanity
Social workers are dedicated to helping people and work to make individual, family, and community life better. To give complete and all-encompassing support, they put their customers' needs first and collaborate with other experts and people in the community (Hillar & Barrow, 2011). Social workers also advocate for social justice and strive to address systemic issues that contribute to inequality and injustice.
A case example is Ms. Rodriguez, a single mother of two who lost her job owing to company downsizing, leaving her financially unstable. She risked homelessness without family support or savings. Ms. Rodriguez sought social work assistance. The social worker quickly assessed Ms. Rodriguez's requirements and created a comprehensive plan. They found temporary lodging for her and her children via local housing services. The social worker updated Ms. Rodriguez's resume, helped her find a job, and connected her to employment training programs. The social worker also recommended Ms. Rodriguez to food and money help organizations. They also helped her start a home-based baking company by connecting her to local farmers' markets and community events. Ms. Rodriguez persevered with social worker support. She found a job in her field and recovered financially.
Social workers work hard to uphold high professional competency standards, remaining current with the most recent developments in the field's knowledge, skills, and research (Sanchez-Garcia et al., 2019). Additionally, they strive to improve their capacity for self-awareness, cultural sensitivity, and moral judgment.
A case example: Recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder, 45-year-old Mr. Johnson faces unique problems. The social worker assigned to his case consistently sought to improve her knowledge and skills. She attended relevant workshops and kept up with mental health research and best practices. The social worker handled Mr. Johnson's case with genuine curiosity and regard for his background and experiences, recognizing cultural sensitivity. She self-reflected to identify and resolve personal prejudices that could disrupt the therapeutic connection, creating a safe and inclusive space for Mr. Johnson to express himself. The social worker adjusted her therapies to Mr. Johnson's needs and preferences. She used cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to help him cope and manage his moods. The social worker's psychoeducation on Mr. Johnson's disease, treatment options, and medication adherence were crucial. The social worker, the psychiatry team, and Mr. Johnson had tremendous success controlling the bipolar disorder. Mr. Johnson improved his comprehension, coping abilities, and support network because of the social worker's professional competency, cultural sensitivity, and client-centered therapy.
Social Work Skills
Rapport Building with the Seniors and their Family Members
Building trust with senior consumers and their families is crucial. Social workers may do this by actively listening to clients, being polite and non-judgmental, and expressing empathy (Brijnath et al., 2018). Social workers can foster open communication and collaboration among family members. An example is the elderly Mrs. Lim, who lives with her son and daughter-in-law. Her failing health has caused social isolation and melancholy. Social workers visited Mrs. Lim and her family to create rapport. The social worker listened, comforted, and encouraged open dialogue. The family and social worker made a physical and emotional care plan for Mrs. Lim. The social worker trusted and built a good connection with Mrs. Lim and her family. This action allowed the social worker to help Mrs. Lim and her family address her health and social needs.
Encourage the Client to Maintain and Establish Roles and Relationships
Social workers know how crucial it is for older people to create and maintain their roles and connections. The employees' work entails motivating clients to uphold their current relationships (Moreno Abellan et al., 2022). Forge new ones, and continue playing their respective roles and participating in community events. A case example is retired Mr. Tan, who feels lonely. Mr. Tan's social worker suggested he join a local seniors' organization, and the social employee helped him discover his interests and hobbies. The social worker advised Mr. Tan to preserve family and friend contacts and make new community connections. The social worker helped Mr. Tan overcome social isolation and enh...
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