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Sexual Assault and Abuse in Sports

Essay Instructions:

Through this final paper, students have the opportunity to demonstrate how they make sense of the world through the lens of what we covered this term. For the final paper, review the current event discussion boards you were required to post to this semester. Notice the topics discussed. Identify a specific story that evolved over the last several weeks or a broad topic that had multiple occurrences.

Once you have selected a topic, analyze the course of events and related cultural discussion around the events, i.e., media depictions. Use class readings as well as other scholarly resources, e.g., peer-reviewed articles, scholarly books, to guide your analysis.

Your final paper should be at least 5 pages double spaced and use 5 relevant scholarly sources to analyze the events. No more than 3 may be from class. To provide context and explain the events, you should use at least 3 news sources. Cite all sources using APA format, i.e., in-text citations and a reference list. The reference list does not count toward the page count.

The Topic I had chosen for you, which is Sexual Assault and Abuse in Sports

This is the copy of some discussion

For my current event, I have decided to research the accusations regarding Josh Giddey, an Australian basketball player who is currently 21. Giddey is being accused of having "inappropriate" relations with an underaged girl. More specifically a 15-year-old girl and Giddey is seven years older. As of right now, during interviews, he has continued to repeat that he has no comment on the situation and as of right now, will continue to have no comment. Due to this news circulating, he is at risk of losing a $40 million sponsorship with a cereal brand, known as Weet-Bix. Statements on Giddey's behalf have stated "available to play. Will play."

I chose this issue to talk about seeing as in class we tend to touch on the topics surrounding sexual violence.

Though the allegations have been made, and we see pictures and videos circulating involving the 15-year-old girl, Giddey is still on the court playing basketball. I find this confusing and upsetting seeing as sexual assault allegations should be taken seriously, however, it seems that in Giddey's case, those around him are simply waiting for this case to blow over and are still allowing him to play and represent their team. This is not the first time allegations have come out involving an NBA player, and it seems that history continues to repeat itself. Players and still allowed and continue to play on the court, charges are not filed, and news is trying to be pushed to the "next thing".

Whilst reading the article, I had to ask why there is such an importance for Giddey to continue to play. Why is this allegation not big enough for coaches and other staff to bench him for a few days? I believe this sends a bad message of where priorities lay within the league.


What are your thoughts on Giddey's allegations?

Do you think Giddey should be allowed to play during the investigation of sexual assault?

Do you think the NBA (with history and current event) show a good image of where their priorities lie when it comes to sexual assault allegations?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sports and Sexual Assault

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Sports and Sexual Assault

The situation for analysis that concerns Josh Giddey is severe and concerning. It involves allegations of sexual assault and inappropriate actions being conducted. A minor conducts them, which are grave situations that should be looked into and taken seriously by the authorities and the organizations involved. It is essential to recognize that the allegations are not the same as the guilt; therefore, the established due process has to be followed without bias to establish truth in these allegations. Evidence must be tabled to establish the truth beyond a reasonable doubt.

The question of whether an individual who is accused of a severe crime such as sexual assault should be allowed to continue conducting regular activities is worth discussing because it is a legal and ethical question. The scenario is whether the individual should continue with the activities yet they hold high profile positions such as professional sports. In the analysis, public perception emerges, especially on how they would interact with the individual knowing they had committed a crime. An analysis from the legal perspective is that individuals are all presumed innocent until they are taken to court, and the court proves they are guilty (Beaver, 2019). Using this fundamental principle in justice grants the accused person the right to continue conducting their routine activities until they are taken to a court of law, and the court will prove that they have committed a crime and are guilty. The individual is presumed innocent, and an innocent person is free to conduct all the activities they previously engaged in. However, there is a challenge in professional sports, meaning that athletes are viewed as role models and public figures to other people in society. They are required to promote ethical guidance and give a sense of direction to the community, and the perception creates a nuanced balance between legal rights and public participation (Cheever & Eisenberg, 2022). Allowing an athlete accused of such serious allegations to continue participating in the games conveys a different message to the community that the severity of these accusations is being

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