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Service Planning and Delivery to Meet Elderly Needs

Essay Instructions:

Discuss and explain how you will plan and develop services to meet elderly needs.

In your answer, you might want to:

- discuss important considerations in service planning and delivery.

- discus how the public and private sectors can work together in your plan to meet elderly needs

- apply the disengagement theory, activity theory, substitution theory, and continuity theory as you plan and develop an elderly service for the seniors. use case examples to support your answer.

I will upload the lecture slides so that you can follow what is taught in class when writing the answer, thank you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Singapore Social Work: Eldercare 2
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As the global population ages, there will be an increasing demand for aged care. We sincerely want to meet this rising need, and we must provide services specifically created to address the requirements of older people. Several variables, among them those impacting the community, the economy, culture, and health, must be given consideration when considering this. In this essay, I will demonstrate how the public and private sectors might work cooperatively to meet senior citizens' requirements and examine significant service design and implementation issues. I will also consider the concept of disengagement, the job theory, the substitution theory, and the continuity theory when I develop a service for older people.
Important Considerations in Service Planning and Delivery
To please older clientele, firms must carefully evaluate multiple criteria. Due to the older population's racial, cultural, and social diversity, diversification is a major factor. We must offer solutions recognizing and accounting for such discrepancies to achieve inclusiveness.
Accessibility is additionally important, as all elderly individuals must have easy access to services (Gleckman, 2019). This may include accommodating wheelchair users or providing transportation for people with disabilities. Thus, elderly folks can easily access services without unnecessary impediments.
Affordability should be considered when planning and providing geriatric care. Due to limited money and a fixed income, many older people may need help to buy certain luxuries. To ensure all older persons have access to the necessary services, novel finance mechanisms like public-private partnerships or government support may be devised. Additionally, service quality is essential while serving the elderly. High-quality services are needed to meet aging needs. Defining standards and monitoring mechanisms to ensure services meet standards is crucial. Therefore, these considerations will ensure the elderly receive the best care and assistance.
Public and Private Sector Collaboration
Public and private sector cooperation is necessary to meet the requirements of the elderly. While the private sector can offer innovation and knowledge, the public sector can give finance and regulatory control (H. GERTNER & CARMICHAEL, 2022). Together, these industries may create services tailored to the aged's special requirements. For instance, the federal Medicare program in the United States offers health coverage to those who are elderly. However, numerous elderly persons need other services besides those covered by Medicare. Independent insurance providers may offer supplementary coverage for these kinds of services. Through this partnership, we can guarantee that elders have access to various offerings specifically tailored to their unique needs.
Application of Theories to Elderly Service Planning
Identifying the demands of senior citizens and developing services that address those requirements can be done using concepts like the disengagement theory, activity theory, substitution ...
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