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Thesis Statement: Security Agents At The Airport Checkpoints

Essay Instructions:

Thesis statement: Security agents at the airport checkpoints running their hands on the passengers’ body is unethical.

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Search Ethics
The society is tied together relative to the various cultural and ethical standards that are followed by each and every person, resident or otherwise. It is these ethical standards that form the basis for the culture every society has in place. More importantly it is the ethical standards that form the backbone of a majority of the policies that are in place ("Airline Passenger Security Screening", 1996). As such, ethical standards govern much of the aspects in the society, social or professional. One of the areas that is affected by ethical standards is privacy. This is an aspect that has drawn massive following and sharp debates relative to the way it is handled. Security is one of the precepts that has brought on a sharp debate, given that there is a delicate balance between maintaining secure environments and invading on personal securities (Shah, Mehmood, Shoaib, & Aslam, 2017). Airport security agents have been under pressure to maintain privacy for their passengers and at the same time reduce their privacy invasion concerns. Security check points are crucial as they enhance the protection offered to the passengers. However, some of the methods used to check the passengers on their bodies. Other than pat downs, passengers are subjected to full body full body imaging and more importantly running hands on the body. The main concern in this case is the element of security agents running their hands on the passengers’ bodies ("Airline Passenger Security Screening", 1996). This is a breach on the privacy of the passengers especially given that it largely sexual in nature, which is very humiliating and extremely uncomfortable not just for adults but also for the children.
Thesis statement: Security agents at the airport checkpoints running their hands on the passengers’ body is unethical.
Security Importance
After the events of 911, every other person going through the security checkpoints or otherwise would agree that there is need to have the people coming into any jurisdiction areas should be checked out. This is relative to the fact that, these are some of the first lines of defense that the country has to protect its citizens against attacks experienced in the past with terrorist intents. However, there should be some element of balance, with significant considerations on the ethical standards (Shah, Mehmood, Shoaib, & Aslam, 2017).
Security Concerns
One of the ways that the airport passengers are checked, is through the full body imaging. This is a method which involves the passengers being searched through the use of invasive imagery. Where their bodies are exposed naked to the security agents. The images are able to peer beyond the privacy of clothes. Other than this there is t...
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