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Role of Technology in a Child’s Social Development

Essay Instructions:

need 2 peer reviewed paper, please read the guidelines carefully. Thank you


The purpose of this research paper is to synthesize existing research, course content, and your contributions. Specifically, this paper will also provide you an opportunity to understand current research topics related to social development. You will also able to identify and discuss topics presented in this course and apply these themes with real-­ ‐world application.

Skills: Through this assignment you will be fulfilling course SLOs by developing academic and professional writing skills, including the use of appropriate technology resources that go beyond our course and apply and demonstrate child development theories and concepts to current research articles. Additionally, you will be experiencing the editing process, beginning with a detailed outline, to a rough draft, and finally a complete paper. Along the way you will learn to peer review, edit, and seek support in your writing.

Task: Below are a series of steps to complete this multi-step assignment. To achieve the best results, plan on full participation in each step.

1. Choose your topic & themes/concepts/theory: Begin by identifying what you will writing about by choosing your topic and two themes/concepts/theory from our course.

2. Choose two peer reviewed journal articles: Find two articles that you can integrate into your paper. The key word here is “integrate” you are not re-writing these two sources, instead they will be supporting your writing.

3. Download all resources from our modules: You will find a template, instructions for both your outline and rough draft. You will also see links to campus resources.

4. Peer Reviews: For Paper Parts I & II you will be participating in two peer reviews. Prior to each peer review you will receive a brief training. Once you receive feedback at each stage you will have an opportunity to edit your paper before submitting it to me for grading and feedback.

5. Editing: At each stage you will receive feedback. Feedback will come from your peers and the professor. It is up to you to integrate that feedback.

Criteria for Success: To be successful in this task, you should participate in each step of this writing process. You will notice that Paper Part 3 is worth less than Parts 1 & 2. This is to remind you that writing a good paper requires most of the work in the beginning of your writing process. Make sure to review all feedback from both your peers and review the resources. Do not be afraid to edit and improve your paper. Think critically about the articles, the topic, and the themes in the course and how your perspective can unite these different elements together. In addition, there will be a grading Social Development Paper (80 Points Total) Assignment Guidelines & Grading Rubric

Paper Part 1: Detailed Outline & Article Check (20 points total) IN-CLASS Peer review: March 14 th (10pts) DUE: March 14th BEFORE CLASS on Canvas (10 pts) Paper

Part 2: Full Rough Draft (30 points total) IN-CLASS Peer review: April 4 th(10 pts) DUE: Sunday, April 4 th,BEFORE CLASS on Canvas (20 pts) Paper Part 3: Complete Paper (30 points) DUE: May 9 th on Canvas rubric with your peer review that clearly outlines adequate work from excellent work.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Technology and Social Development
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name and Number
Lecturer’s Name
Assignment Due Date
Technology and Social Development
The steady increase in technology use among children and adolescents has raised concerns over its roles in social development. Studies show that access to technology and the internet provides educational opportunities for children and prepares them for the information age (Fairlie & Kalil, 2017). However, many parents, educators, and researchers have shown increased concern over the web’s influence on children and teens. They have also expressed displeasure regarding the child’s use of digital devices, claiming that computer activities make children spend excessive time online. This interferes with the child’s in-person interactions and other necessary activities for social development. However, technology can play a significant role in a child’s social development when used correctly.
Role of Technology as It Pertains to Social Development
Technology encourages positive social connections and support for children and teens. Many young children have reported that social media platforms and other mobile applications have allowed them to interact with their peers. Technology fosters friendship development with peers by instilling confidence in children with social anxiety problems. For instance, children with social interaction problems easily communicate via media platforms and online communities. These platforms enable them to gain confidence with social communication and practice social interaction skills comfortably (Reid Chassiakos et al., 2016). Online social support groups also allow children and adolescents to share their experiences and receive guidelines and motivations that strengthen their social development.
Technology also promotes active learning and independence. Children and young adults can learn to access information and do research independently. The informational materials on the internet allow children to do research projects without stepping into a physical library (Fairlie & Kalil, 2017). The more accessible access to information enables children to yearn for knowledge. This encourages them to do further research and follow autonomous trains of thought. Besides, technology exposes children to different shows that improve their thinking and vocabulary. As a result, the child will develop confidence in expressing their opinions and communicating effectively with peers.
It is necessary to note that a child’s interpersonal skills and social competence develop when they engage in face-to-face interactions with caregivers, other adults, and peers. According to Reid Chassiakos et al. (2016), real-life social interactions are significant to developing a child’s communication skills. However, most children tend to remain indoors doing computer activities due to increased technology use. This behavior...
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