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What is the the role of protest and/or technology in democracy?

Essay Instructions:

It must have a clear structure.

One introduction, three or four body paragraphs, and one conclusion.

Two given essays are “Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted,” from Malcolm Gladwell; and "Fences of Enclosure, Windows of Possibility" from Naomi Klein.

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The Role of Technology in Democracy Student`s Name Institution of Affiliation Date The Role of Protest and Technology in Democracy In “Fences of Enclosure, Windows of Possibility”, Naomi Klein writes about fences, both real and virtual, that keep people from the promised benefits of globalization. She also identifies ways individuals resist global capitalism. She says that “In neighbourhood assemblies, at city councils, in independent media centres, in community-run forests and farms, a new culture of vibrant direct democracy is emerging, one that is fuelled and strengthened by direct participation, not dampened and discouraged by passive spectatorship” (200). Malcolm Gladwell responds to these claims by arguing that people organize protests as a way of dealing with fences that try to prevent people from accessing public resources. Protest and technology play an instrumental role in attaining democracy, particularly in situations where those in authority want to deny the public their civil rights. In “Small Change: Why the revolution will not be tweeted,” Malcolm Gladwell gives an example of four students who engaged in sit-ins to protest against discrimination, a factor that resulted in civil movement across the south in the U.S. (Gladwell, 2010). This led widespread protests as people demanded for their democratic rights. Democracy can be defined as a situation where the rights and privileges of people are preserved. Furthermore, democracy is considered as a set of ideas and principles about freedom. Gladwell presents readers with a scenario where those in authority deny a certain portion of the society their democratic rights by implementing segregation rules. The four students in Greensboro engaged in the sit-in protest at the restaurant because they were not legally allowed to intermingle with the whites, particularly when it comes to sharing social facilities. Since its inception, the concept of democracy has evolved depending on the society`s needs. On the same note, Klein argues that people can engage in protests to have their public rights and resources restored (Klein, 2002). Democracy is the most popular form of government in the world in the 20th and 21st century because of globalization. However, the type and extent of democracy is influenced by the social, political and economic situations of the people in a certain region. In recent years, some aspects of democracy have proven to be outdated and not conducive for the ever-changing social structure. This paper will critically analyse the role of technology and protest in the evolution of democracy. Protests have often been used as a means through which people are able to attain their democratic rights. When the four students from Greensboro started the sit-in protest, they attracted the attention of other students. This was a sign that they were motivated by the need to have a democratic society. Gladwell (2010) says that when students were asked about the sit-down protests, “The answer was always the same: ‘It was like a fever. Everyone wanted to go.’” For us to comprehend the nature of democracy, it is paramount to understand the history of democracy since its inception and the different types of democracy that are practiced in different regions of the world. Klein (2002) says, “Fences have always been part of capitalism, the only way to protect property from would-be bandits, but the double standards popping up from these fences have, of late become increasingly blatant.” Fences have often been used as a means of denying people their democratic rights. Democracies fall into two classifications, direct and representative. Klein presents a scenario where people are denied their democratic rights because of capitalism and globalization, a factor that has seen most public resources being diverted into the public hands. Furthermore, as the world in which people are living in becomes more complicated, most public resources are being privatized, and owners are employing private guards to secure these resources. Nevertheless, the majority of the population, mainly those who are unable to afford a wealthy lifestyle, are trying to protest in order to resist this form of discrimination. It is at this point, where it can be seen that people are trying to pull down the fen...
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