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Role of Customs and Border Protection Securing Trade in Maritime Ports

Essay Instructions:

Respond to the following short essay questions:

1. What is the role of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in securing trade in maritime ports? What is the agency's "current" maritime challenges? Additionally, how did the Homeland Security Act of 2002 change the structure of CBP? Be specific?

2. What over-arching approach to security strategy is the Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) of 2002 employing? (This is not a straight cut and paste answer from the law. It will require your critical analysis of the Act and its' applications/requirements). What is the over-arching purpose of the act?

3. How do you see the Global Maritime Transportation system changing in the next decade? With this change what single security issue will be of universal concern and why? Will drones be that issue? Think globally with your response and NOT just within the US. Remember we are connected by a Maritime Global Commons.


Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.

Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.

Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.

Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation
1. What is the role of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in securing trade in maritime ports? What are the agency's "current" maritime challenges? Additionally, how did the Homeland Security Act of 2002 change the structure of CBP?
The custom border patrol is an integration formed by several officers in the united states to safeguard the ports around this nation's entry. CBP is morally obligated to provide total security to cases of trade, customs, and terrorism. The custom border patrol has maintained good records in history and has a clear mission of creating a peaceful environment. As a result, people have ample time to trade and carry out their activities, hence improving their economy (CBP, 2019). However, the mission of CBP changes with time following the contemporary issues experienced in 9/11. To this end, homeland security emerged that took over the roles of CBP.
In enhancing welfare among the people, many activities are carried out by the security departments to ensure these. Ideally, the ports hold a very vulnerable position of being attacked by terrorists. Ideally, ports hold a lot of goods and cargo that are very appealing to the sight of the terrorist. Besides, ports have ease of accessibility through land and water, making it very easy for the terrorist to intervene. There is a challenge to the agencies deployed to offer security since they are at a mere risk of being attacked. More so, there was a budget reduction in the security departments, making it a challenge for those involved in responsibilities. Besides, there is insufficient coordination and a lack of transparency among the agencies offering security with the CBP.
Following several attacks on the port, the people's lives were at a mere stake, which called for an immediate signing of the Homeland Security act. The Act provided a clear objective of safeguarding the people to enable them to carry on with their activities, thus preventing the economy's downturn (U.S. Congress, 2002). To reduce the vulnerability of being attacked, the Act combined 22 agencies under one roof and named it the Department of Homeland Security. With the integration, activities were efficiently conducted, making the parties of interest more empowered.
Furthermore, the Act pointed to a leader who was to influence all the agencies by providing the necessary information and keeping them focused on the end goal. More to this, the Act was at a prospect of ensuring that the mission of the 22 agencies not related to ensuring border security is not looked down upon, with the exception being approved by the congress.
2. What over-arching approach to security strategy is the Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) of 2002 employing? (This is not a straight cut and paste answer from the law. It will require your critical analysis of the Act and its' applications/requirements. What is the over-arching purpose of the Act?
There is no clear definition or statement made in the law about what the Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) of 2002 is supposed to employ. While the law has established some goals and desires, there exist no clear strategies. To prevent limitations on innovation and allows security managers and their teams to define how to accomplish the objectives outlined in the MTSA best as best they can where they are. However, all of the security needs to start with assessments.
These assessments discuss the vulnerabilities of critical assets and infrastructure, the threats of those assets and infrastructure. More importantly, it identifies the weaknesses in physical security protection systems and explores the procedural policies and communication system depicting a viable working environment in the maritime (U.S. Congress a., 2002). These threat assessments are conducted and given to the business owner or port owner since private businesses or persons own them.
The only accurate, specific guidance that the Act gives is what the security plans must do. The Act divides into three areas with several subparagraphs. These three areas are the National Maritime Transportation Security Plan, the Area Maritime Transportation Security Plans, and the Vesse...
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