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Response questions: Ethic

Essay Instructions:

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the "Assignment Format" page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements. Respond to the items below. 1. What is traditional utilitarianism? With traditional utilitarianism, how do you determine what the moral thing to do on any particular occasion might be? Include mention of the four (4) considerations to determine what the moral thing to do on any particular occasion might be. 2. Why is utilitarianism attractive to many? Discuss three (3) reasons. 3. What is the ecological ethic? 4. How does utilitarianism support the ecological ethic? 5. Access the following article using Ashworth College’s ProQuest library resources: Anthony, R. (2012). Building a Sustainable Future for Animal Agriculture: An Environmental Virtue Ethic of Care Approach within the Philosophy of Technology. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 25.2, 123-144, found at: http://search(dot)proquest(dot)com/docview/992862678/1421A854EE6642EC5AE/1?accountid=45844 NOTE: To access ProQuest articles, you MUST first open a Web browser window to the Ashworth College Library; otherwise, you will be denied access to the articles when you click the links. Once your browser is open to the Ashworth College Library, simply click on the link for the article you need to read. After reading this article, discuss the following: • How has the dominant philosophy of technology seeded particular ethical consequences that plague the well-being of human beings, the planet, and farm animals? • Do you agree with the author that we should accord an environmental virtue ethic of care--understood as caretaking? Why or why not? Provide at least two supporting reasons.

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Response questions
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Question 1
Traditional utilitarianism is a philosophical concept that views that policies and actions need to be determined based on the cost of impacts and benefits they impart on the society. At any context, the appropriate policy or action is considered the one which generate greater benefits or the least cost of impact. Most businesses depend on this kind of utilitarian principle of cost and benefit analyses and hold that the socially responsible action to adopt is the utilitarian one that has the lowest cost of impact and greater benefits. Jeremy Bentham was the philosopher who established traditional utilitarianism. Bentham believes that people can add more and assess quantities of benefits generated by an action and minimize the amount of danger it might cause. In this way, it is possible to evaluate which actions have greater benefits or least amount of cost, and thus is moral. It is vital to consider that only a single action can possess the greater benefits and the least costs. According to Rosen (2003), in order to identify the moral action to perform at any specific moment, three important considerations should be observed. First is that an individual needs to consider existing alternative actions. Secondly, the person should approximate both implicit and explicit benefits and costs that particular action would generate. Lastly, the individual should select the alternative which generate greater amount of utility.
Question 2
Utilitarianism attracts many individuals since it corresponds with the perspectives that people tend to acknowledge when considering business deals and government policies (Rosen, 2003). Most people accept that whenever the government intends to consider better public projects need to be developed using the tax payers’ money, appropriate actions that would be implemented to such project depend on the need to generate maximum advantages for the residents of a community with least minimum cost. This also fits natural principle that many people use when considering moral actions. Utilitarian principle can justify why people accept some activities that are considered immoral; for example lying. This is due to the costly impacts such action has in the long term outcome. Nevertheless, traditional utilitarianism would refute a claim that certain action is either ethically unacceptable or right. Preferably, every action is determined by its specific situations. Utilitarian perspective has been greatly used in economics. During 19th century, economists contended that economic behaviors can be justified by believing that people always look forward to increase and maximize their utilities. Utilities of products can be determined by prices consumers intend to pay for such commodities.
Question 3
Ecological ethics is a philosophical discipline that aims to instill skills and knowledge to students in order to understand how to develop sustainable environment. It is a foundation of environmental education which is focused to develop sustainable learning. Land is an important aspect of ecology, which needs to be respected, honored and loved and therefore conserved. The need of conserving land is a fundamental area that ecological ethics examines. Rosen (2003) views that ecological ethics provide important useful knowledge and skills that enable students acquire perspectives, attitude and values essential for developing economic, social and environmental sustainability. In this way, students become active agents who contribute to a sustainable world better for themselves and also for the future generations. Ecological ethics is the basis of green curriculum that gives students background in sustainability, love, empathy and fairness (principles of social equity). It aims to care for future generations and species at all time.
Environmental education is not interested to learn how people need to influence change, but aims to create moral principle, compass...
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