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Research, Describe and Compare the Impact of Divorce

Essay Instructions:

Research and compare the impact of divorce on preschool, school-age, and adolescent children. Use attachment theory in the paper and answer number 1. and 2. all instructions are added please read instructions carefully my professor said the grammar was not good on other papers. The book has to be one of the scholarly sources the GCU library has to be another which I have added the link and one sources of your own. this is a four (4) page paper. Due in ten days. I will send the files on tuesday

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The Impact of Divorce
The Impact of Divorce
According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, the term attachment denotes “strong feelings of affection or loyalty for someone or something.” With reference to Bowlby’s 1969 definition of the word, McLeod (2009) defined the term as “a deep and enduring emotional bond that connects one person to another across time and space.” Primarily, the term describes the emotional connection that often exists or that grows between people. From this term, John Bowlby coined the attachment theory in 1969 which essentially, helps to emphasize the importance of attachment in personal development. According to Bowlby, a person’s ability to form either a physical or an emotional attachment goes hand in hand with their sense of security and stability to grow and also develop as different personalities. Through Bowlby’s work, the notion that a child’s healthy and active development depends heavily on their ability to form a stable connection with at least a single parent (mother or father) was conceived. Researchers have built on his works, and some even went ahead and linked the attachment theory and divorce. In this article, the author will use the attachment theory to elucidate on the impacts of divorce on preschool, school-age as well as adolescent children.
As per the attachment theory, children develop a sense of security from their childhood days when they successfully form an attachment with their caregivers or parents. However, an ounce of separation or a disturbance of the norm often impacts the child negatively, and may even affect their growth. Four elements or components of the attachment theory have been used to help describe the relationship that children form with their parents. They include the safe haven, the secure base, the proximity maintenance, and finally, the separation distress. Safe haven, mainly, describes the aspect of a child seeking comfort from their caregivers whenever they are in danger or frightened or when they feel threatened. A secure base is concerned with the fact that the caregiver provides the child with a solid foundation on which he can grow and learn about the world. Proximity maintenance describes the aspect of a child exploring the world while still seeking guidance or trying to maintain their intimacy with their caregiver. Lastly, separation distress describes the fact that children end up sad or heartbroken when they are alienated from their caregivers. The above best describes the mind of a child during preschool, school age as well as adolescent and thus best represents the eventual sadness or disjointed childhood some people had as a result of divorce. Below is a detailed description of the impacts of divorce on preschool, school-age, and adolescent children.
Impact of Divorce on Preschool Children
Children in this age bracket are not emotionally and mentally equipped to handle or comprehend the reality of a divorce. Psychologists agree that at this age, children are trying to make sense of simple things and a divorce is indeed too big of an issue to grasp. However, even at this age, children can see and thus be able to understand the discontent and lack of warmth within the family. A child’s sensitivity is indeed something that Marquardt (2005) mentions and warns against being taken for granted.
The lack of comprehension and the fact that the child fails to see one of the parents often prompts a feeling of sadness and insecurity. Having developed an attachment to either their mother or father and never seeing them again brings feelings of dejection.
Some psychologists call the pre-schooling period the curiosity age and describe it as the time when a child experiments with things. Children at this age experiment with different things and at times feel sorry when the outcome upsets their parent or their siblings or their playmates. Most tend to blame themselves, and in the event of a divorce, some blame themselves. As a result, some children grow up in fear of losing their caregivers which best explains the separation distress attribute of the attachment theory.
According to Fagan and Churchill (2012), the parent-child relationship is weakened in the event of a divorce. Fagan and Churchill argue that after a divorce, parents (the father or the mother) fail to offer adequate support to their children and most tend to drift apart.
Impact of Divorce on School-Age Children
This age bracket is composed of children of children who are between age 6 and 12. At this point, children are more exposed than at the preschool age, and it becomes important to them that they understand the content of something and not just the symbols. The above means that they can vaguely comprehend the details of a divorce. These children understand affection and can tell when parents are not showing any, and it is also relatively easier for parents to explain things to them.
Like the preschoolers, children in the school-age bracket also have weak parent-child relationships. Children suffer the most during a divorce and coupled with the inadequate support from their parents after the divorce, most of them become emotionally distant and might even develop antisocial behaviors.
Feelings of betrayal and deception are also common in children of this age bracket. According to Kali and Cavanaugh (2016), school-age children often harbor these feelings beca...
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