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Reframing Individual Behavioral Issue and the Importance of the Struggle

Essay Instructions:

What is Patriarchy? https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=Yb1_4FPtzrI

What is Public Health" https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=t_eWESXTnic

Femicide, Part 1 https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=VERguOc0laE

Femicide in Latin America https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=7VTWkagHlIE

Ni Una Menos https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=XyVA45RFdvs

Latin American women protest Femicide https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=NEvULwv9stA

Record feminist marches in Latin America https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=x0DhT4KDArE

What are the universal human rights? https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=nDgIVseTkuE

Let's Reframe This Pandemic https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=2Num0P3H7lU

Gender-Based Violence https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=DzBjE_nvJ4w

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Public Health Issue
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Department, University
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How does reframing what is usually seen as an individual behavioral issue (like cigarette smoking, seat belt use, etc.) allow for a public health commitment to address it?
Smoking has recently been viewed as a personal preference or self-determination question. But a variety of circumstances, not the least of which is the sense of disadvantage, impact individual decisions and subsequent behaviors. The goal of public health is prevention. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of the US Department of Transportation projected those 38 680 individuals died in a car accident in 2020 caused by passengers and drivers not fastening their seatbelts (NHTSA, 2021). Most divers aged eighteen to twenty-four often do not fasten their seatbelts, and this age group encounters the highest number of car crash incidents.
Smoking bans in public places are now prevalent. The introduction of seat belts has been another about-face. Belts in cars save lives. Because of the persistent warning alarm, the promotion of vehicle safety, the law, and the information, most people now utilize them. To decrease injuries and avoid fatalities, evidence-based preventative initiatives to promote seat belt use among specific populations of teenagers are required. Older individuals’ seat belt use has been proven to increase with short-term in-person behavioral interventions to improve car safety. Still, these programs need to be implemented to tackle teenagers’ needs have yet to be created to address the needs of young adults specifically or are widely deployed to impact public health. Mobile digital behavioral strategies have successfully changed other risky behaviors in young adults, but they have yet to be tested to increase seat belt use. They are more portable and automated than in-person behavioral interventions.
Other departments are involved in public health to ensure societal transformation. Legislative action is required to safeguard the populace from smoking risks and emphasize seatbelt use’s value. Here, the government may enact cigarette use laws, either outright banning it or raising the price to the point where it is no longer affordable. Additionally, for safety, the government may create rules governing the use of seatbelts on the highways. The final step in ensuring that the rules are followed is enforcement, which comes after creating the regulations. Furthermore, promoting healthy habits is a crucial component of public health. Public health ensures that the police, healthcare providers, and other pertinent institutions are properly coordinated (Let’s Learn Public Health, 2017). For instance, when it comes to seatbelt use, traffic authorities examine the highways while public health officials ensure that every vehicle is equipped with seatbelts. It involves using them correctly as well as attaching them to the car. Additionally, after cigarettes are made illegal, authorities investigate various establishments selling them.
How does veronica Gago highlight the importance of the struggle for achieving public health and abortion, and human rights?
Through Ni Una Menos, a movement started in reaction to a rise in public, ruthless femicides, and other violence against women, Veronica Gago has shown how women may raise awareness. Ni Una Menos has coordinated numerous feminist strikes and organized large-scale rallies against gendered violence to draw attention to the link between violence and the undervaluation of women’s reproductive efforts. Numerous women have highlighted their issues (CGTN America, 2019). Veronica Gago claims that the patriarchal states in which women reside have marginalized them and encouraged increased femicide, economic inequality, and strict abortion laws. As a result, change is required to help reduce the extreme levels of inequality.
Veronica stated that Ni Una Menos has resulted in transformation and influence because of its enormous scope and constant activities. Veronica and her team called for social, political, and economic changes to end various forms of inequality between men and women throughout society (Crash Course, 2017). Women have faced discrimination at all societal levels. Women were not permitted to vote in the United States until 1920, whereas Saudi Arabia did not allow it until 2015. Additionally, women in the Uni...
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