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Recommendations to Interrupt Theft Problem

Essay Instructions:

Instructions: Suppose your local Starbucks (or coffee place of your choice) is experiencing a repeat theft problem. Items on display, intended for purchase, are being stolen. Address the following:

1) Why the current problem? Visit this location and apply the five concepts that comprise the 25 techniques of situational crime prevention in order to understand why the problem exists. In doing so, explain the current opportunity for theft at this location in terms of each of the SCP concepts: effort, risk, rewards, provocation, and excuses. Regarding theft, what level of effort is necessary? What is the current risk? What are the rewards for offenders? What are the provocations? What are the excuses?

2) How can the problem be prevented? Put forth 5 recommendations that would serve to interrupt the opportunity for theft (at this location) based on situational crime prevention techniques. Each recommended prevention technique should address a different SCP concept. In other words, provide a recommendation for increasing effort, one for increasing risk, one for reducing rewards, one for reducing provocations, and one for removing excuses. Your recommendations should be specific and clearly linked to addressing the problems you outlined in #1.

Book/Readings: Schneider, Stephen. (2010). Crime Prevention: Theory and Practice. New York: CRC Press.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Crime Prevention
Crime Prevention
My favorite local coffee place at our home town has been experiencing a problem of repeated cases of theft. The items that are usually stolen are those intended for purchase and the management and security officers are facing great difficulties of putting this to an end (Schneider & Stephen, 2010). There is the need to address the reason contributing to the current problem through the application of the five concepts reflected in the twenty-five techniques of situational crime avoidance.
Question 1
The repeated theft problem in the coffee shop could be well understood through the considerations of the five concepts found in the twenty-five techniques used for situational crime prevention. Firstly, there is very little effort applied in safe guarding the premises, which is surrounded by numerous night clubs. Security-in-charge are just untrained guards who instead of possessing appropriate weapons like guns; they use whistles and alarms to alert the management about any sign of theft. This means there is inadequacy of defense weapons and thieves mostly accomplish their intentions successfully since they have their own weapons. This has frequently ended up in more damage where the guards, attendants or clients get injured in the process (Tonry, 2012). Moreover, there isn’t any control of the persons that enter the coffee shop as anyone willing to access there would gladly do it without any objections or inspection from the administration. In addition, there are inadequate measures of luggage inspection, increasing the chances of entrance of weapons into the coffee shop. This has continuously made it easier for thieves and has motivated them to revisit because of inadequate measures of security. Moreover, doors to the coffee shop also lack security locks and thus any person would come direct to the counter, store room as well as every other place. The current risks contributing to continuous or repeated theft also includes the inadequate lightings around the area, where the street lights, as well as parking lot lights are inadequate.
The physical surveillance only involves two ordinary guards without appropriate weapons of defense. In addition, thieves are fully aware that the targets, which involves the items displayed for purchase is at their disposal (Braga & Weisburd, 2010). The items displayed for purchase are easily accessible where thieves come and head to the counter and store respectively. The reward of the offenders is very high because the market for stolen items is readily available. They always have places to take their stolen goods and this mark as great benefits to them and probably having a wider market, thus being compelled to repeat the actions.
Various practices have also provoked the repeated actions of theft in the place. For instance, the chances of theft are also increased by the disorderly manner of the place and too much noise both from inside the coffee shop and the nearby clubs. The drunken fellows also come into the shop at times and cause overcrowding as well as destructing customers. The excuses involved hosting of events such as parties that encourage alcohol consumption and lacking specific rules that would govern the premise, while enhancing good conduct in the operation of the business.
Question 2
In order to shrink the opportunities for repeated theft cases in the coffee shop, there is the need for an improved effort of preventing or reducing cases of theft t...
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