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1 pages/≈275 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Read articles and answer questions. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

read articles answer questions.

1. Why does Dixon believe the intelligence community can do a better job of using After Action Reviews for knowledge transfer?

2.What are the four questions that chatz, Salem-Schatz, Ordin, and Mittman argue should be the center of an After-Action Review?

3. Did the AARs you read from previous students provide knowledge transfer for you? What specifically helped? What could be done to improve knowledge transfer?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Read articles and answer questions
Institutional Affiliation
Question 1
Dixon believes the intelligence community can better utilize the After Action Reviews for transfer of knowledge because the reviews can provide them with solutions that would make the Defense Intelligence Agency more effective. Most of the issues the agency faces are documented and emanate from its nature where reviews of past projects become irrelevant. However, by collecting After Action Reviews and working together, the agency can learn about the challenges it faces, brainstorm on alternative ways of carrying out projects and learn from their past.
Question 2
According to Schatz, Ordin, and Mittman, an After Action Review (AAR) should focus on the following questions. One, “what was expected to happen?” Here, the team should establish what a particular project was supposed to do by reviewing the project proposal. Two, “What actually h...
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