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Why Reactionaries Are Oriented Towards The Past, Are More Realistic

Essay Instructions:

Why are Rightists (reactionaries) orientated towards the past, more realistic, supports the current system or wishes to improve upon it, and often defends nationalist issues?

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WHY REACTIONARIES ARE ORIENTED TOWARDS THE PAST, ARE MORE REALISTIC, SUPPORT THE CURRENT SYSTEM OR WISH TO IMPROVE UPON IT AND SUPPORT NATIONALIST ISSUES Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Reactionaries are more oriented towards the past due to despairing about the present moment and also due to the presence of past golden age memory, and the desire to return to that moment in the past. They do have political views which do favor the return of the status quo ante. In politics, reactionaries are mostly found on the side of the right wing of the spectrum of politics. Reactionaries' ideologies are at times radical in the mode of political extension but are in the service and attempt to reestablish the political status quo ante. Owing to the already known past and how it all flows, there is that preference to opt for the already known as people are usually fearful of wandering into the unknown, and thus the reactionaries have huge opposition to change. At times they may even wish to undo the recent changes and move backwards, and is almost always in opposition to any possibilities of revolution. Reactionaries' perception of the past as better also does tend to orient the reactionaries towards that past, and that may serve as a motivation that will allow for the pursuit of political goals. They are also oriented towards the past, if what they were promised of the future fails to either be delivered or delivered inadequately as compared to how it was promised, also when they feel that they have been short-changed. Reactionaries are usually more realistic because of the following reasons among others. One is that they have seen things in the past and are more informed and are more informed, and can thus make an educated guess as to how judging from the current state of events, how the present may eventually turn out to be. They have also a wide range of past experiences and are thus able to better interpret actions, words, and expressions being said and made respectively, much better than others, for example, the revolutionists. They also know what to and what not to expect in realistic terms. Reactionaries tend to support the current system due to the following reasons. One is that they wish to retain either the present or past state of affairs, and if the current system is in its support, then they are of the view that it is better to support it so as to have their interests protected and or taken care of. Owing to the fact that reactionaries do perceive change to be a bad thing, somet...
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