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Reaction Paper 3*

Essay Instructions:
This assignment will help to reinforce key aspects of this week's lecture on social institutions, namely Government, and also prepare for next week's emphasis on social change. Please make sure you have worked through the entire lecture module BEFORE doing this assignment. Your entire paper should be at least 4-5 pages in length, typed, double-spaced in 12-point font with one-inch margins, pages numbered, your name on the upper left corner, and edited for spelling and grammatical errors. Yes, you can label your "steps" in writing your responses but DO NOT use bullet points. Write in complete sentences with paragraphs. Write at a college level; minimize excessive spelling/grammatical errors (worth 1 point). Edit and spell-check! While it may be tempting to use some type of AI to assist with this assignment, please refrain from doing so. Remember, you all agreed at the beginning of the quarter to this in the form of academic integrity. Further, we take time to create original, inspiring paper prompts with questions that get you thinking sociologically. We respect you and your learning as students in this class. Please respect this effort and do your own work. We care most about what YOU have to say. Cite appropriately. Make sure to upload your Reaction Paper as either a WORD or PDF document. "PAGES" or "RTF" documents are unacceptable as Canvas cannot open them. If we cannot open your file, you will not receive credit. ---------------------------- Write your responses to the following questions: 1. Do some searching online, watch the videos on this week's Lecture Homepage, read the textbook's chapters and journal article for this week. In your own words, what does "Civic Engagement" mean to you? Write at least a few sentences for this question. Do not copy/paste from other sources...just talk in your own words. How would you characterize Generation Z's current level of civic engagement? What factors impact this particular generation's level of civic engagement? 2. Do you consider yourself to be civically engaged? Why or why not? Is there a particular person, experience, or event that inspired you to recently become civically engaged? If not, who (or what) might it take for you to get more civically engaged? 3. Are you registered to vote? Why or why not? Will you vote in the 2024 Presidential Election? Why or why not? Do you think your vote matters? Why or why not? How does Journal Article 13 (assigned for this week) relate to your own voting motivations/position? 4. What do you think are THREE important social issues/problems/concerns we, as a United States society, are currently facing? Why are they important at this particular time? 5. Choose ONE of the two topics/issues/concerns you discussed in #4. How are individuals experiencing this issue, and what is happening at the structural/social level with this issue? What change(s) would you like to see happen regarding this issue in society, and how do you think society (in general) would respond to that change happening? What social movement/development/shift needs to happen in order for the issue/concern to be "solved" or "fixed" in greater society? What resistance to your solution might possibly occur, who might resist and why might there be resistance? ------------------------------- As a reminder, make sure to upload your Reaction Paper as either a WORD or PDF document. "PAGES" or "RTF" documents are unacceptable as Canvas cannot open them. If we cannot open your file, you will not receive credit. This paper is worth ten points (and 10% of your overall grade). Address each question thoughtfully and thoroughly and you will receive credit. Be as detailed as possible with your responses and write in complete sentences. Do not use bullet points. Write in complete sentences with thoughtful responses. Write at a college level; minimize excessive spelling/grammatical errors (worth 1 point). Edit and spell-check!
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reaction Paper 3 Name Institutional Affiliation Course Date Reaction Paper 3 Question 1 Civic Engagement Simply put, one can define civic engagement as the activities an individual or groups of people engage in at the community or national level to improve the quality of living and enhance social, economic, and political well-being. Civic engagement is the people's practice that focuses on ensuring all people attain the common good in a country (Augsberger et al., 2018). Conversely, people from different regions globally engage in different activities that enhance the quality of social and secure life. These activities are usually envisioned to improve the quality of living and strengthen the security of all community members. It is important to note that these practices constitute civic engagement. Civic engagement constitutes three distinctive sections that help scholars and philosophers define this concept of communitarianism. The three components are advocacy and activism, volunteering, and participating in electoral practices and operations. In several acts of activism and advocacy, individuals employ different political and social structures and equipment to champion civil rights and equal opportunities (Augsberger et al., 2018). These structures include boycotting, petitioning the administrative agencies and institutions, and through demonstrations. Undoubtedly, many individuals, especially Gen Z, engage in these practices to promote civic engagement and improve awareness. It is worth highlighting that most young people are actively involved in civic responsibilities and duties, which has helped improve their involvement in communalism and civic engagement. The other way people and Gen Z enhance civic engagement is through volunteering. This practice involves individuals, institutions, and non-profit organizations offering services and donations to help improve living conditions for people in the community and country (Pesch et al., 2018). It is essential to highlight that most voluntary work involves offering monetary donations and value to an administrative body or needy people. This form of civic engagement also offers aid to victims of natural disasters such as flooding, hurricanes, pandemic outbreaks, political instability, genocides, landslides, drought, and earthquakes (Pesch et al., 2018). It is also critical to understand that most young, middle-aged, and older adults engage in these activities in many communities globally, thus improving human living. The last component involves engaging in electoral practices and operations. In most countries, elections are used to choose political leaders for administrative purposes. This enhances civic engagement with community members sharing common beliefs and expressing themselves through electoral operations (Augsberger et al., 2018). In most countries, young people are encouraged to participate in political decisions and choices upon attaining the legal age to enhance quality leadership. Many Gen Z and Millennium individuals are registered to vote in most countries worldwide. Conversely, quality systems in the developed regions and continuous improvement of administrative and legal systems are some factors that have contributed to the current high level of involvement in civic responsibilities and activities (Augsberger et al., 2018). Further, quality education and the changes in economic and political systems and pollution have also prompted many individuals in Gen Z to engage in practices that enhance communitarianism civically. It is worth highlighting that most of these factors have made Gen Z aware of the challenges they will face in the future; hence, there is a ...
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