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What Happens When You React Appropriately To Criticism?

Essay Instructions:

Find an opportunity this week to receive criticism and apply the knowledge you gained from this chapter's guidelines in responding to criticism. Specifically, use this opportunity to find out more about the criticism that you receive, consider it thoughtfully and thank the person who offered the criticism. It's important to use a new opportunity and not reconstruct from memory a previous incident. Conduct the experiment and report on the results. In an essay, answer the following questions:

What happens when you react appropriately to criticism?

How does what you learned from this experience highlight concepts and vocabulary from the current module? Make sure to use citations when referencing these concepts.

Please write a well-organized, APA-formatted essay of 750 words or more on the subject.


Wood, Julia. Interpersonal Communication Everyday Encounters 8th Edition. Belmont: Thompson Learning, 2016. ISBN #: 978-1-285-44583-0

Essay Sample Content Preview:

M5A1: Constructive Criticism
Student’s Name
From my personal experience concerning criticism, it happens mostly during my workplace, especially from my employer as he always admonishes my actions regardless of the outcome. This situation has been damaging to my development in the workplace and completely frustrated. I will highlight in this paper the importance of reacting appropriately to criticism and also what I have learned from my daily experiences and how they highlight the concepts I have learned from the module.
What happens when you react appropriately to criticism?
When someone has a criticism, it means that he or she intends on providing the individual with feedback on what he or she are doing for them. The individual on the receiving end of the criticism needs to understand that this means an opportunity to learn more on the person they are working for and how to change their perception on their abilities (Wood, 2016). It is important to take a moment to reflect on the criticism before offering a response as this will lead to the development of patience, and also gaining the ability to receive and act on criticism positively (Garner, 2010). Additionally, this means that both parties can work together for a better outcome.
When offered positive or negative criticism, this forces a person to think about how they work. Criticism can be a proper guideline against bad practices and towards more productive ones. When criticism is offered, it is important to be objective and analyze what you are providing as though it is not yours (Hasson, 2014). This can be highly complicated when the person being criticized is completely involved in a project; however, if the person can take a step back, they might reflect the best ways of improving the manner that they work an ultimately, avoiding adverse outcomes in the future.
When criticized, it is important to be appreciative in all situations. During negative criticism, thanking the person for their feedback provides the individual with a moral high ground (Garner, 2010). If this critic is attempting to help a person or expressing an honest opinion, then it is essential to be grateful since they have taken the time and effort to engage with the person when it would be so much simpler to carry on with their responsibilities. During that process of being criticized, a person may be provided with information that can assist them in their tasks in the future (Hasson, 2014).
How does what you learned from this experience highlight concepts and vocabulary from the current module?
From my experience, I have learned that it is essential to respond to the suggestions...
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