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Psychology of Gender paper

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Gender Studies Name: Institution: Date: GENDER STUDIES Gender studies refer to an academic field as well as interdisciplinary study that is devoted to representation and gender identity as main categories of the analysis. The field also involves the studies of women concerning feminism, politics, women, and gender. In most cases, the gender studies also combine with sexuality study (Colley, Gale & Harris, 1994). The disciplines study sexuality and gender in various fields like history, literature, anthropology, political science, media studies, sociology, among others. The benefits of implementing this cause in the contemporary world is to get rid of gender discrimination and getting to understand the behaviors of all gender. Various debates have been raised regarding gender studies and its importance in the society, while most men have abandoned this study contributing to more controversies about it. One of the most important facts about this study is that it reduces attitude towards gender. The implementation of gender studies have changed people’s perspectives about the opposite gender because it helps in analyzing and understanding various things that were once in the dark about the respective gender. A gender study was initially required as a weapon of battling with the inequality that existed in the society. Therefore, there is a great development on that area as the attitude has changed tremendously and other studies in line with gender have been developed, contributing to critical understanding of sexuality as well as offering career to the students. The pioneers of this study were aware that elimination of discrimination was both a legal and a moral issue that needed to be addressed and initiated right from the classrooms. The people that support as well as those who study argue that there in no better way of transformation of traditions and culture into a more purposeful aspect apart from ensuring that all people regardless of their gender, race, color, among others have respect for one another. In occasions where most women have been hemorrhaged from the workforce as well as excluded from the welfare of the state, the child and elder care becomes very poor. This should encourage a wider social reason of schooling as well as the significance of the lens of the feminist in decision-making and public policy. Moreover, in states where gender studies are not implemented, the economy tends to deteriorate because they are also reproductive and because they are not given an opportunity to utilize their potential. A certain group of women depends on the state in mitigating the uneven burden of a lot of care that is placed on them. Yet, the governments of these states tend to reverse the clock on the equality of women, which sets motion a renaissance of feminists’ protests. The gender study addresses very well on the equality, putting in the facts of offering respect to all human beings as they are equal and even though sexuality and gender may be different, all bears their own capabilities and talents that the rest might not be able to reach. The study is supposed to pass on a very critical dimension of history and philosophy from one generation to the other. The women find out about tradition, when they receive hindrances at their places of work, or when they become mothers. This causes them to start seeking imminent into their experiences. The women also have capabilities that need to be realized and the shortage of gender studies causes that not to happen, contributing to men’s dominance of leadership and women discrimination. Responsible women, who dared to be given responsibility, as they have not hesitated to show their capabilities through social, economic and political development, have proved these potentials. In fact, some women have proven to be more equipped than some men in the society are. The purpose of this study is not usually to bring any individual down or look upon the men, but it shows the men also that they require an extra hand of a woman in areas where they are proven perfect. Gender studies offer skills of critical thinking as well as an understanding of the diversity of women’s involvement to the society. These studies are also valuable for an extensive variety of careers. In addition, this study commit in realization of the equality in men and women in every aspect of life, so that both the social and personal relationship of both genders may be characterized by the mutuality and freedom that can only happen among equals. It is designed to address all issues in both genders and the things that affect both men and women. Gradually more, the gender studies specialists are in high demand as consultants in higher education, industry, personnel firms and insurance companies. Moreover, the agencies of the federal government and state need people that have received particular training in comprehending gender relations. The students of this course or study are likely to attain critical thinking ability and skills in a global mindset. This makes them valuable as well as desirable in the work places because they are able to balance ...
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