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The Proposal Contained in HJR 1127 and Amending the State Constitution

Essay Instructions:

Critical Response Question 1:
First, read the following article:
https://floridapolitics(dot)com/archives/487380-measure-to-prevent-citizen-initiatives-from-diluting-constitution-advances/ (Links to an external site.)
Then, respond to this prompt.
What is the proposal contained in HJR 1127, and why do some members of the Florida legislature support it? What do you think will change if the legislature ultimately passes this proposal? Do you think in general it should be easier or harder to amend the state constitution, and why?
Responses should be no more (and approximately no less) than about 400-500 words. Academic integrity standards apply to all critical analysis questions, and all responses will be submitted through Turnitin.
As you review your response, be sure that you have responded to the specific requirements of the prompts and satisfy the assignment's required elements. Note that a response earning full credit will require references to additional material outside of the linked article, particularly from course lectures and assigned readings in addition to other information about the topic that you find on your own.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

State Government and Politics 1
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What is the proposal contained in HJR 1127, and why do some members of the Florida legislature support it?
HJR 1127 contains a proposed measure to limit the citizen initiative process: - the changes the people of Florida can propose to the constitution (Downey, Florida Politics, 2022). This measure aims to reduce public participation in the constitutional amendment process. If passed, the future citizen initiatives’ scope will be limited to only government structure (flsenate.gov). Some members of the Florida legislature support this move because it prevents the sale of the constitution to the special interest groups or elites who have always succeeded in influencing the constitutional changes (Downey, Florida Politics, 2022). The legislators also believe that this proposal will restrict the constitution to legitimate matters. It will strengthen the Florida constitution and protect sacred rights by placing policy into the constitution. Additionally, Democrat legislators have backed the proposed limitations because it responds to the public passing constitutional amendments following the legislature’s failure to act on popular policies (Hayes, Florida Politics, 2022).
What do you think will change if the legislature ultimately passes this proposal?
If the legislature passes this proposal, special interests will no longer put policy matters into the constitution. The legislative body will take up any approved constitutional amendment as opposed to the public. It will prevent concerns about the intent and potential impact of the legislation on issues not taken up by the ...
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