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Project 2: Heat Transfer

Essay Instructions:

Write an essay with examples on conduction, convection, and radiation with relevant references.

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Heat Transfer
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Basic science teaches that heat is transferred through various ways. This is mainly dependent on the medium that is in place. The manner in which heat is transferred through the air is not the same way it is done through metals. The medium of transfer plays a major in determining among other things the length or period within which the heat is to be transferred (Siegel, 2011). Heat transfer occurs in three main ways. They include conduction, convection and radiation. This discussion looks at each of the three ways in which heat is transferred and gives examples of each method.
Perhaps before discussing the various ways in which heat is transferred, it would be crucial to have some basic knowledge as far as heat transfer is concerned. The movement of heat and or transfer of heat take place from high temperatures to low temperatures. This means that it is objects with high temperatures that will transfer heat to those with low temperatures. Of importance to note as well is that transfers take place, there is usually a change in the energies that are found internally in both subject matters involved in the exchange.
This the transfer of heat through the agitation of molecules found within a substance or material. During this form of transfer, there is no physical movement of the subject matter. Instead, it is the molecules within the subject matter that move causing the transfer. For example, if one end of a piece of metal is put under fire, it is only the end that is the fire that will get hot. However, gradually, the entire piece including the end that is not in the fire will eventually become hot. In this case, there is no actual movement of the metal pieces only one end is under fire. The rest of the metal gets hot as molecules from the one end agitate and move towards the cold end thereby spreading and transferring the heat (Modest, 2013).
In conduction, the two subject matters must be close enough or in contact with one another. For example, when one places a pan on fire, the direct contact between the two is what leads to the pan getting hot. The science behind heat transfers through conduction is very simple. When the subject matter is heated the small particles within the subject matter lead to the molecules get agitated. They gain much motion which makes them vibrate. As the substances continues to get heated the more the vibration increases. As the vibration increases, the molecules collide against each other forcing them into motion. It is then that heat is transferred from one section of the substances to another (Siegel, 2011). In effect, the heat is then transferred into any other substance that is in direct contact with the substance that has been heated. Some materials are good conductor of heat while others are poor conductors. Good conductors of heat can transfer heat easily within a short period. Poor conductors of heat will take very long before effecting transfer. In some cases, poor conductors of heat such as wood will not transfer any heat at all. How fast conduction of heat takes place is mainly determined by how good or bad the material in terms of heat transfers. A perfect example of heat transfer by conduction is how food is cooked. When a metallic container or a pan is placed on fire it gets hot. The manner in which the pan gets hot is by way of conduction. It is the heat the in the metallic container or pan that facilities the cooking of the food inside. This is perfect explanations why all cooking materials such as pans and sufuria are made of metal and not nay other material. This is because heat is good conductor of heat.
Convection is yet another method through which heat is transferred. In this case, heat is transferred through fluid like water of air. This is when the fluid is subjected to high temperatures thereby transferring the high temperatures to other substances. When fluids are heated they become lighter. As a result, they easily move. During movement they push along hot temperatures thereby transferring. Convection is the best explanation of how water in a pot gets heated. Usually, it starts by conduction where the fire heats the pot (Modest, 2013). The pot then begins to hit the water at the bottom of the pot. once hot the water that was previously on the bottom part becomes light and begins to ris...
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