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Program Proposal for Singapore Housing Estate with Elderly

Essay Instructions:


I need ANOTHER SAMPLE for my SAME social work assignment and I do not need a preferred writer, but can you all assign a DIFFERENT writer who did #00143551 (my previous order for this social work assignment). Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it.

The SAME assignment:

Working with organisation and communities in social work:

References = APA, 7th Edition (important).

Examine the case scenario and Theory of Change below and answer the following questions:

You are a social worker of a social work service agency in SINGAPORE serving the underprivileged elderly population in the community.

A recent needs assessment survey of elderlies living alone in SINGAPORE indicated a large number of them experienced hunger despite getting free meal deliveries as well as groceries from various social service organisations.

Their major complaints are that the meals are usually bland, cold and lacked variety.

Most times, they would resort to cooking instant noodles and leave the delivered food uneaten.

Rather than giving feedback or refusing the meals, the elderlies felt obliged to receive the food because they do not want to appear ungrateful for the help they received.

They are thankful to receive regular delivery of free groceries from the social service organisations and would willingly accept anything even though the canned food items might not be suitable for their health conditions.

The elderly agreed that eating instant noodles daily is not good for their health.

However, some shared that they lacked the skills to cook and had always relied on eating out during their younger days.

Others felt that living alone, it would be a chore to go to out to purchase ingredients like vegetables and fish just to cook for one person.

Some of the elderly respondents also mentioned health reasons that kept them home-bound and thus unable to do their own grocery shopping.

Based on the results of the needs assessment survey, you and your team developed the following Theory of Change to guide your organisation in the macro intervention plans:

Questions (100 marks):

1) Demonstrate your ability to write a proposal of a suitable programme to achieve ANY of the outcomes which are identified in the Theory of Change.

Your proposal should include the following:

i) a TABULATED (A table of five columns: Inputs, Activities, Outputs, Outcomes, Impact) and DETAILED discussion of the Logic Model for the proposed community programme.

(30 marks).

ii) an itemised budget for this programme, with the appropriate justifications.

Include possible SOURCES of revenue in your budget.

(20 marks).

2) Examine how your proposed programme adheres to community work principles of human rights and social justice.

(10 marks).

3) Discuss, with examples, how you would apply teamwork skills to overcome challenges during the implementation of the programme.

(10 marks).

4) Discuss how you would plan the programme evaluation to ensure the programme’s fidelity and measure its effectiveness.

(20 marks).

Marks are given for good grammar, structure, CORRECT in-text citations and CORRECT references.

(10 marks).


PS: I will update you all again if there are more information about the assignment. Thank you.


The textbook for the subject is:

Generalist Practice with Organizations and Communities.

By Karen K. Kirst-Ashman, Grafton H. Hull Jr.

Full Text:


The textbook MUST be used as one of the references. Thank you.

For the theory of change picture, the top box, "increased food security" ... is the social impact statement (The last column in the table - Logic Model).

"i) a TABULATED and DETAILED discussion of the Logic Model" refers to a table of 5 columns). First column = Input. xxx. Last column = Social impact. Discussion refers to the description of the items in the table, for example, activity.

"ii) an itemised budget for this programme, with the appropriate justifications." Over here, we need to prepare a list of items and explain WHY.

For example, 10x staff. What is the cost? Why 10x staff?

For example, Drinks. $1000. How much per participant? How many participants in total? How many times do they meet up?

For this, we can use an budget Excel table, for one column, we can put list of items; for another column, we can put cost; for another column, we can put WHY? Then, we can insert into the Word Doc.

"Include possible SOURCES of revenue in your budget." This refers to the fundings we can find in SINGAPORE.

"2) Examine how your proposed programme adheres to community work principles of human rights and social justice." = Refers to WHY is your program adhering to human rights and social justice.

"3) Discuss, with examples, how you would apply teamwork skills to overcome challenges during the implementation of the programme." For this part, we can write about the challenges we might face and what are the teamwork skills we can apply. We can also include micro-skills which are useful in teamwork.

"4) Discuss how you would plan the programme evaluation to ensure the programme’s fidelity and measure its effectiveness." FIDELITY of program is mostly related to consistency. Sometimes, we make changes to improve a program and there is no definite right or wrong? The reason WHY we make changes to a program is important. Will the changes improve the effectiveness of the program?

For example, a program for single mothers; however due to lack of participants, we will include female singles who are not mothers, and that changes the fidelity of the program, so the program is considered UNsuccessful. One way to improve is to measure the the single mothers ONLY, but again the female singles who are not mothers will influence the results and fidelity is affected.

For the theory of change picture, the teacher has suggested us to follow the following flow of outcomes for the planning of the program and there is no need to achieve all the outcomes in the other boxes. So I think we should follow what the teacher has recommended.

1) Elderlies have the capacity......

2) Elderlies have access to groceries......

3) Elderlies are able to optimize......

4) increased food security......

By the way, when you include the theory of change picture in the MS Word, remember to label the outcome boxes, as outcome 1, 2, 3 etc. and highlight the flow of outcome boxes all the way to the final social impact box (increased food security......)

Thanks a lot.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Program Proposal for Singapore Housing Estate with Elderly
Department, Institution Affiliation
Course Code; Course Name
Instructor's Name
Program Proposal for Singapore Housing Estate with Elderly
Working with communities and organizations is a crucial process that every social worker should adequately consider. As a social worker, there is a need to have the community interest at heart in all the activities (Austin, 2018). The most critical group that needs immediate and comprehensive intervention is the elderly. The elder's needs must be timely met to allow them to fit in the contemporary society. They have specific needs unique to other common populations. The elderly in the community is special in society due to their contrary issues such as health and hunger (Turner, 2017). Therefore, establishing a food program that meets their desires is essential for allowing them to grow exponentially. The program proposal is essential for addressing hunger issues among the elders and increasing food security.
Community Needs and Theory of Change
The necessity of creating a reliable food program is to advocate for the needs of the elderly. In Singapore, the elderly are a critical population, amounting to 14.4% (Glendinning et al., 2018). The identified population is critical and must adequately be handled to successfully transform from a hunger-based society into a more prominent society. The identified shift in the Singapore population where the elderly heavily suffer from hunger issues has exposed it to a society with more health and food security needs. Different needs are required to uphold the theory of change, including registering the elderlies in the grassroots agencies, knowledge of meals, financial capacity, and food access to increased food security, as indicated in figure 1. Based on the previous research, the elders are heavily exposed to hunger issues due to different reasons. The common reasons for food problems include chronic illness, lowered income, and decreased mobility (Burgess & Shier, 2018). They also experience food insecurities and poor nutrition. Besides, the elderlies in Singapore experience increased food insecurities due to reduced sources of income caused by retirement cases (Malhotra et al., 2019). Therefore, the program would resolve the identified problem in Singapore.
Figure 1: Theory of Change.
Source: Attached
Program Goals
As a social worker at Singapore Housing Estate, I would propose a food security program to address the emerging cases among the elders, including bland meals, hunger rate despite the meal delivery, inconsistent food varieties, and poor management. The program aims to ensure (1) including the elderlies in the watch list grassroots, establishing support networks, regular check and increased food security, (2) Elderlies having the capacity to make meals, accessing groceries, optimizing food, and increased food security. Lastly, the elderlies have financial stability, food access, nutritious access, and increased food security, as indicated in Figure 1. The identified flow is necessary for the successful implementation of the program. The program also aims to mobilize the elderly towards sustainable healthy habits by embracing growth and development. The program will be based on Kellogg Foundation Logic Model, which focuses on program evaluation and effectiveness (Kellogg, 2017). Therefore, by the end of the program, the major outcome which will be achieved is increased food security and reduced food waste for elderlies in the community.
Participants and Human Resources
The program will involve elderlies in the Singapore Housing Estate who experiences difficulties in the management of acquiring food resources and groceries. The main aim of targeting such a population is to ensure food satisfaction and growth. The participants should show their severity and needs for successful program implementation. Lastly, the program is aligned to survey results to restore the critical expectations of the participants. The manpower for the program includes three social workers in Singapore Housing Estate who will be responsible for facilitating the group that administers food. The social workers should apply adequate teamwork skills to ensure the achievement of goals reduces poverty issues. Besides, they will coordinate all the activities of the groups and ensure a reliable collective engagement of the participants. Therefore, the program will adequately meet the needs of the participants.
Program Methodology and Timeline.
The effective methodology is essential since it determines the program's quality and outcomes. The Singapore housing estate program will be based on uplifting the health status of the elderlies by providing them with food and education. Food can be provided to a given population; however, without adequate consideration of diet management and healthy eating, the participants may still face common challenges such as obesity problems. The program opts to consider key strategies that can be considered to ensure the elderlies have adequate knowledge of maintaining financial stability in food acquisition. The program will be conducted in two major phases to ensure the identified elderly needs are met. The first phase will be educating on food security to impose adequate skills on the population. The second would be the actual distribution of food to the actual population. The two identified phases will run for one year, and it will begin from 2nd April 2022 to 2nd April 2023.
Tabulated Logic Model







Team members*15

Selection and recruitment of the team

Team evaluation for social work skills

1) Elderlies have the capacity, skills, and knowledge in food preparation.
2) Elderlies have access to groceries.
3) Elderlies are able to optimize the food to reduce waste.
4) Increased food security.

An elderly community which understand food management skills and ideologies.


Social workers*3

Educating the team members.

Engaging the elderlies


Food resources

Educating them on food management


Education resources


Program leader*1

Justification of the model
The model is reliable since it is based on three social workers and a team of fifteen who will adequately participate in the program implementation. They are classified as inputs since they will be considered in the implementation process. The second section is the process that involves actualizing the program process. The third section is the outputs that are significant in the program's execution and focuses on the key skills required for food management and distribution. The fourth section is the outcomes summarized as (1) including the elderlies in the watch list grassroots, establishing support networks, regular check, and increased food security, (2) Elderlies having the capacity to make meals, accessing groceries, optimizing food, and increased food security. Lastly, the elderlies have financial stability, food access, nutritious access, and increased food security. The impact section focuses on the appropriate aspects that would positively impact the outcome, and it involves an elderly community that understands food-management skills and ideologies.
Itemized Budget





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