100% (1)
2 pages/≈550 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Problems of Health & Health

Essay Instructions:
Go to the Kaiser Family Foundation website at https://www(dot)kff(dot)org/Links to an external site.. Scroll through the website and find a health care-related topic that is of interest to you. If you don’t see an interesting topic on the main page, click on Latest from Kaiser Health News (about halfway down the main page) or scroll down to the topic list at the very bottom of the page (left side) for more choices. In a 2-3 page paper using APA style, apply your sociological imagination to answer the following questions about the article you chose: -Summarize the main 2-3 points in the article. -Why is this topic important to you? -Why should others care about the topic you chose? -Using the definition of a social problem in chapter 1 in your textbook, explain how the topic you chose is a social problem. If you don’t think it’s a social problem, why not? -Which of the three major sociological perspectives on social problems described in chapter 1 of your textbook would you apply to solve the problems with the issue you chose? Why? It's okay to copy and paste the question, followed by your response. Your paper must have a cover page and reference page in addition to 2-3 pages that answer the listed questions. You must cite and reference the resource you chose and your textbook. You may also cite and reference any additional resources that you use to complete this assignment. APA style is required for this assignment. Please review the grading rubric for how this assignment will be graded. Rubric SOC 303 Written Communication Rubric (100 points) (1) SOC 303 Written Communication Rubric (100 points) (1) Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent 20 pts Distinguished Reveals a solid understanding of the proposed topic as evidenced by preliminary research and knowledge. All of the required information listed in the assignment instructions is provided. All responses are thorough and complete. Two resources were cited and referenced. One of the resources was the textbook. 18.4 pts Proficient Identifies significant details of the proposed topic. Reveals an adequate understanding of the topic as evidenced by the amount of preliminary research. All of the required information listed in the assignment instructions is provided, but responses may not be thorough or complete. Two resources were cited and referenced. One of the resources was the textbook. 16.6 pts Satisfactory Reveals a restricted understanding of the proposed topic. Most of the required information listed in the assignment instructions is provided. Some responses may not be thorough or complete. Two resources were cited and referenced. One of the resources was the textbook. 14 pts Emerging Adds little detail to describe the proposed topic. Some of the required information listed in the assignment instructions is not provided and/or responses are not thorough or complete. Fewer than two resources were cited and referenced and/or the textbook was not cited and referenced. 10 pts Unsatisfactory Does not identify the proposed topic. Information requested in the assignment instructions is not provided. Fewer than two resources were cited and referenced and/or the textbook was not cited and referenced. 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization 20 pts Distinguished Well developed paragraphs. Sequencing enhances ideas and meaning. Ideas focused on central theme. 18.4 pts Proficient Smooth transition between paragraph with adequate structure and sequencing of ideas. 16.6 pts Satisfactory Transition between most paragraphs with limited paragraph structure. Sequence is not logical. 14 pts Emerging Some transition with poor paragraph structure and some evidence of planning. 10 pts Unsatisfactory No transition between paragraphs, ideas not in logical order. No structure to paragraphs. 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDevelopment 20 pts Distinguished Ideas focus on the central theme. All ideas are clearly presented and unified. 18.4 pts Proficient Central theme is matched to the topic, most ideas explore the central theme, clear and unified. 16.6 pts Satisfactory Ideas are clear. Some ideas address the central theme. Central theme is linked to the topic. 14 pts Emerging Few idea address central theme. Ideas ramble and are difficult to identify. 10 pts Unsatisfactory Does not follow the theme. Ideas are muddled and unclear. 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConventions 20 pts Distinguished No errors noted. 18.4 pts Proficient 1 error -sentence structure -capitalization -grammar -presentation -general structure 16.6 pts Satisfactory 2-3 errors -sentence structure -capitalization -grammar -presentation -general structure 14 pts Emerging 4-5 errors -sentence structure -capitalization -grammar -presentation -general structure 10 pts Unsatisfactory Multiple errors -sentence structure -capitalization -grammar -presentation -general structure 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Style 20 pts Distinguished No errors noted. 18.4 pts Proficient 1 error -cover page -in text citations -reference page -general format 16.6 pts Satisfactory 2-3 errors -cover page -in text citations -reference page -general format 14 pts Emerging 4-5 errors -cover page -in text citations -reference page -general format 10 pts Unsatisfactory Six (6) or more errors in: -cover page -in text citations -reference page -general format 20 pts Total Points: 100
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Problems of Health & Health Name Institutional Affiliation Course Name & Number Professor Date Summarize the main 2-3 points in the article. The article “Their First Baby Came with Medical Debt. These Illinois Parents Won’t Have Another” discusses the massive debts parents who get pregnant have to endure and their consequences from the perspective of the Crivilares (Levey, 2014). According to the article, about 12% of the one hundred million U.S. adults with healthcare debt is a result of pregnancy and childbirth, with women aged 18-35 who have had a baby in the last year reported to have twice as much debt as those without children. Despite having robust private health insurance, as the Crivilares had before getting pregnant in 2021, most parents end up with between $3,000-$10,000 in debt due to pregnancy and childbirth (Levey, 2014). The medical debts have resulted in parents taking on extra work, cutting the budget on food and clothing, and delaying buying homes and education for their children and themselves. Moreover, just like the Crivilares, most parents have to make the difficult decision of not having more children due to persistent medical debts. Why is this topic important to you? The topic is significant to me as it touches on a significant social problem of affording healthcare for children. Getting children is a socially recognized behavior that allows adults to bring children into society and bring them up based on their values and beliefs. It is a significant responsibility and joyous occasion that brings people happiness and satisfaction. While social, economic, and personal factors impact this decision,...
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