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Global Societal Problem, Argument, and Solution: Aging Population

Essay Instructions:

Global Societal Problem, Argument and Solution
[WLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please review this Sample Final Paper GEN499Preview the document for additional guidance on the expectations of this assignment.

The topic of your essay needs to be a global societal problem from the following list:
Aging population
Critical Thinking Skills for the 21st Century
Gender Inequality
Global Climate Change
Global Water Shortage
Marginalization and Minorities
Refugee Crises
Children’s Rights
Social Media Censorship

Reflect: Based on the topic that you have chosen, you will need to use critical thinking skills to thoroughly understand how this topic can be a global societal problem and determine some logical solutions to the problem.
Write: This Final Paper, an argumentative essay, will present research relating the critical thinker to the modern, globalized world. In this assignment, you need to address the items below in separate sections with new headings for each. In your paper,

Identify the global societal problem within the introductory paragraph.
Conclude with a thesis statement that states your proposed solutions to the problem. (For guidance on how to construct a good introduction paragraph, please review the Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. from the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..)
Describe background information on how that problem developed or came into existence.
Show why this is a societal problem.
Provide perspectives from multiple disciplines or populations so that you fully represent what different parts of society have to say about this issue.
Construct an argument supporting your proposed solutions, considering multiple disciplines or populations so that your solution shows that multiple parts of society will benefit from this solution.
Provide evidence from multiple scholarly sources as evidence that your proposed solution is viable.
Interpret statistical data from at least three, peer-reviewed scholarly sources within your argument.
Discuss the validity, reliability, and any biases.
Identify the strengths and weaknesses of these sources, pointing out limitations of current research and attempting to indicate areas for future research. (You may even use visual representations such as graphs or charts to explain statistics from sources.)
Evaluate the ethical outcomes that result from your solution.
Provide at least one positive ethical outcome as well as at least one negative ethical outcome that could result from your solution.
Explain at least two ethical issues related to each of those outcomes. (It is important to consider all of society.)
Develop a conclusion for the last paragraphs of the essay, starting with rephrasing your thesis statement and then presenting the major points of the topic and how they support your argument. (For guidance on how to write a good conclusion paragraph, please review the Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. from the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..)

The Global Societal Problem, Argument, and Solution
Must be 1,750 to 2,250 words in length (approximately between seven and nine pages; not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted

For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. resource for additional guidance.
Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. as well as Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., refer to the Ashford Writing Center resources.
Must use at least eight scholarly sources.

Source Document Requirements:
Multimedia sources (such as videos) may be used, but no more than two such sources may be used. If multimedia sources are used, they must be authored and distributed by credible sources, such as universities, law schools, medical schools, or professors, or found in the Ashford University Library.
Government sources may be used, but no more than two such sources may be used. Examples include whitehouse.gov, state.gov, usa.gov, cdc.gov, and so forth. These websites can be used to make a stronger point about your proposed solution within the argument.
Where print documents are used for source materials, those must be peer-reviewed, scholarly journal articles, and academically published books. Popular media sources (e.g., newspapers, magazines, television and radio shows, etc.) must not be used. Materials from advocacy groups (e.g., Greenpeace, Human Rights Campaign, National Organization for Women, etc.) must not be used.
Sites such as ProCon.org and Wikipedia must not be used.
Religious texts must not be used.
The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for an assignment. The Integrating Research (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. tutorial will offer further assistance with including supporting information and reasoning.
Must document in APA style any information used from sources, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s In-Text Citation Guide (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
Must have no more than 15% quoted material in the body of your essay based on the Turnitin report. References list will be excluded from the Turnitin originality score.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style. See the Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.

Good Critical Thinking Tips:
Your paper should include academic sources that explain multiple sides of the issue.
Your interpretations of the evidence should be objective and state the conclusions and theses presented in the evidence clearly and fairly.
Your paper should place the various forms of evidence in relation to one another and demonstrate why one form or perspective is stronger than the other positions that one could take on the issue.
Your paper should point out the limitations of current evidence and attempt to indicate areas for future research.

Writing Tools:
Before you submit your written assignment, you are encouraged to review the The Grammarly Guide: How to Set Up & Use Grammarly (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. tutorial, set up a Grammarly account (if you have not already done so), and use Grammarly to review a rough draft of your assignment. Then carefully review all issues identified by Grammarly and revise your work as needed.
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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Global Societal Problem, Argument and Solution: Aging Population
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted   Globally, the aging (ageing) population is increasing, and, especially, in the western world and this is characterized by a higher proportion of the elderly compared to the younger population. The main causes of the demographic trend change are the decline in fertility, lower mortality rates, and the growth of life expectancy. A large share of aging population is associated with higher health care costs and more pensioners, highlighting the need to consider the consequences of the aging population on social services, politics and the economy (Beard & Bloom, 2015).  Since there is better health care than before, people are living longer, and even as most migrants are in the working age population, the increase in the share of aging population is inevitable in the U.S. As such, the question to be considered is “what is the impact of an aging population in a society?. Promoting healthy and active aging, encouraging private pension, and flexible working schedules are necessary to improve the wellbeing of the elderly population. The background on population aging highlights, that it is a societal problem as the proportion of people above 65 years continues to increase globally.  However, there are differences in demographic profiles within countries and globally, with the population having started early in the highly industrialized societies of the west and East Asia. Europe has the largest share of people over 65 years and the demographic group is projected to increase. As older people are less likely to work there source of income mostly come from pension and no other form of income, when compared to their younger counterparts, even while their health care costs increase (Komp & Johansson, 2016, p. 1938).  As such, it is likely that many receive benefits that cannot meet their needs, but they cannot be gainfully employed like their younger counterparts. Efforts to improve healthy aging would reduce the health care costs among the elderly and including preventive measures to achieve this. As the elderly population requires more health care attention, governments have to grapple with how to improve productivity of the working population and maintain the desired revenue levels. The demography and life course approach is one way to understand the phenomena of aging populations at the global stage. There are differences in access and provision of health care and divergent standards of living, and this has practical implications in the way interventions are implemented and how policy makers address the aging population problem. As the proportion of the aging population is highest in the developed world, the countries affected have dealt with the demographic challenge of catering to older people and whether to allow migration, imporvve social benefits support, improve public health and support measures to improve fertility rates (Lee & Zhou, 2017, p. 290). Rising pension and retirement expenditures are a concern as there are more elderly people than before and this will increase rapidly in the coming years. The pension and social security system is important to support the living standards of the aging population beyond the retirement age (Maestas, Mullen, & Powell, 2016, p. 10).  There is a challenge to ensure that the retirement and benefit policies are adequate to meet the ageing population needs yet a time when other social benefits expenditures are increasing.  As such, the social, political, and economic policy issues affecting the aging population has national ramifications in the way countries address the problem and how different countries can improve the wellbeing of the demographic group using the case studies of similar societies. Optimizing opportunities for health to improve the quality of life among the aging population is active aging, which is applicable to individuals and population groups. Policies that promote  potential social, physical and the mental well-being of the aging population, allows them to be more active participants in societies, where there is focus on meeting their needs and abilities, while providing them with proper care, assistance and protection  (Foster & Walker, 2014, p. 85). As such, the case for promoting active aging and effective social benefits programs is that these improve the quality of life as they age including those on disability while allowing others to participate in the workforce, while actively contributing their families and communities.  Ideally, the aging population ought to maintain autonomy and independence while maintaining social support to facilitate active aging.  People’s includes their physical, mental and social well-being and effective aging, policies and programs promote both the between mental and social health to improve physical health. Taking into account the demographic and environmental factors, which affect the aging population, is important to improve the quality of life as people age. The aging population is not homogenous and diversity increases with age. Hence, promoting healthy lifestyles and creating supportive environments are important. As people get older it is more likely that they will be affected by noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) including chronic diseases, which increase the risk of disability, morbidity and mortality. As more people age, there is a challenge on how to provide financial support across the lifespan and the lack of planning appears in retirement plans and old social security makes it difficult to improve the wellbeing of the aging population. Employer-sponsored health insurance programs are some of the most common, but encouraging, promoting and supporting more private insurance policies and programs will help meet more health care needs of the people as they age (Maestas, Mullen, & Powell, 2016, p. 25). Governments are well placed to provide incentives and letting the pension and insurance market players provide innovative products where necessary to cater to the aging individuals and popula...
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