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Privacy Issues in Technology:Is Access to Technology Worth the Potential Loss of Privacy?

Essay Instructions:

Worth 20% of final grade

Length: 2000 words (±100)

Documentation Style: APA


Write a persuasive essay arguing for your position on a controversial issue.


Select a topic from either the Persuasive or Comparative topics list below

Submit as a formal APA Paper with the title page, abstract, formal headings, and two visuals placed in the appendix

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Cite your sources using the APA style and include a References page at the end of your essay

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Persuasive or Comparative Topics List

Privacy Issues in Technology: Is access to technology worth the potential loss of privacy ?

Genetic Engineering in Food or Biotechnology: Are we helping the poor or putting more money into the pockets of the rich?

Globalization: Will it unite or divide the world? Is it another form of political, economic and social control by one group?

Reconciliation as a way to heal from the past in northern Canada

Bullying at work or other forms of workplace discrimination


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Persuasive Essay Assignment will be marked in its entirety out of 100. The following rubric indicates the criteria students are to adhere to, and their relative weights to the assignment overall.

Activity/Competencies Demonstrated Grade

The paper effectively defines the issue and provides appropriate background or context. /40

The paper presents a clear and argumentative thesis that takes into account at least two sides of a debatable issue /20

Appropriate references support the thesis /10

Ideas are developed using critical thinking and a logical pattern of organization in paragraphs /10

Correct APA style was applied in citation, title page and reference pages /10

The writing is mostly free of grammatical errors, inclusive, and well edited and proof read. /10

Total /100

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Privacy Issues In Technology: Is Access To Technology Worth The Potential Loss Of Privacy?
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Privacy Issues In Technology: Is Access To Technology Worth The Potential Loss Of Privacy?
Humans place a high value on individual privacy and the security of their private data. On the other hand, recent improvements in digitalization represent significant risks to data protection, if not strictly regulated, may have undesirable consequences such as data inequities. In essence, it is illogical that give up access to emerging technologies only for the sake of privacy since digitization that jeopardizes privacy may also assist in mitigating unfavorable effects. Advances in ICT are jeopardizing personal privacy. Unrestricted sharing of personal information, if not appropriately managed, can result in serious ramifications, including data inequities, intrusion on freedom and dignity, and data bias and unfairness. Nonetheless, given that every speck of information recorded by people's daily activities at home and in the workplace can be obtained and reviewed for predictive analysis, market dynamics, and real application that can help to improve the world, it does seem implausible to deny people access to digital solely for the sake of confidentiality (Nissim et al., 2018). As a result, building a mutually advantageous link between improved technologies and privacy policy implementation must be acknowledged as a vital aspect of dealing with the new online privacy dilemma in the digital world. The essay herein provides a synopsis of the online privacy debates, the moral need to safeguard individual privacy, and prospective remedies to the present privacy issue arising from technological advancements.
Technological Advancements Pose Privacy Issues
Debates on privacy are inextricably linked to technological advancement. Researchers had worked to demonstrate how privacy as a moral ideal had developed with the advancement of digital innovations ever since the nineteenth century when conventional face-to-face communications started to be questioned by the advancement of urban growth and the advancement of information dissemination (Nissim et al., 2018). A mix of technical advancements, institutional reforms, and significant social transformations offered a slew of new dangers to confidentiality throughout the first 19th century. Innovative technologies (such as handheld webcams and telegram transmissions) were regarded as important sources of public concern about privacy protection during this period. Then, when the twentieth century began, with the fast availability of modern technologies, innovations such as the construction of the social security system were regarded as data protection intrusions, sparking intense debates over the limits seen between governmental and non - governmental domains, as noted in Figure 1 in the appendix.
The current data protection legislation was developed during the 1970s to safeguard privacy. The invention, adaptation, and new technology made it simpler and more efficient to acquire and modify private data. Furthermore, the rising use of technology in governmental services in the US and the UK became a key force that enabled the development of the first iteration of contemporary data security and privacy safety regulations. Almost all of these regulations were amended, broadened, and reinforced throughout the years due to technical progress and administrative transition, which, when combined with other factors, resulted in an ever-increasing worry over information privacy due to digitization. For instance, throughout the nineties, the widespread use of computer technology for data reception and interpretation, along with a growth in the software sector, resulted in a surge of legal and statutory initiatives to address developing privacy problems (Nissim et al., 2018). As we approach the modern digital world, which includes contemporary technology applications including Big Data, smartphone usage, cloud-based services, and the internet - of - things (IoT), a fresh generation of data protection reforms is being implemented to modify the existing privacy social rules. As per the latest research and evaluation, privacy concerns have risen to the top of the priority list while assessing the effects of AI systems, Big Data analysis, biometrics, the IoT, augmented and virtual reality, remote monitoring, and the invention of wearable technology with real-time multimedia functionalities. Overall, the accelerated and continual growth of digitalization has been characterized as a persistent risk to privacy across the globe, prompting the people to demand and authorities to seek more protections inside the political and legislative framework.
In essence, decent people, corporations, and administrations are expected to preserve and maintain privacy rights as a moral duty. Controlling the accessibility to confidential data should adhere to moral principles and beliefs of fairness and liberties. Authorities are justified in safeguarding privacy rights by enforcing anonymity legislation, given the significance of privacy and the reality that certain individuals do not give much thought to data protection (Parent, 2017). To be more precise, four primary ethical grounds for maintaining privacy rights and creating full oversight over accessibility to private information (Baruh & Popescu, 2017). First and foremost, there is a need to avoid harm from third malicious parties. Hackers could use unrestricted access to a person's traits, credentials, location information to hurt the data subject in a variety of ways. Secondly, there is a need to lessen informational disparities. Personal information has been sold as a commodity. To establish fair circumstances for data sharing and transfer, information security regulations must be made public. Thirdly, there is a need to minimize prejudice and data unfairness. Personal data obtained in one setting may have a different meaning in another, resulting in oppression and inequalities. Lastly, ethical independence should not be encroached upon. People who lack privacy may be subject to external pressures that influence their decisions.
In essence, nevertheless, maintaining one's privacy has major limitations. To begin with, the mechanisms used to acquire and analyze data limit a...
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