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Week 8 Discussions: The Prevention and Management of Serial Offenders

Essay Instructions:

Week 8 discussions include responds to colleague’s posting.
Discussion - Week 8
The Prevention and Management of Serial Offenders
Given that serial offenders are extremely dangerous and tend to inflict pain on many different victims throughout their lives, a considerable amount of effort has been placed on determining the best way to deal with them. In the criminal justice system two main approaches are used when handling serial offenders. One approach is prevention. According to this approach, at-risk children and youth should receive services that promote the development of pro-social behavior.
The second approach is focused on the belief that serial offenders cannot necessarily be prevented from offending but only managed once they are detected. According to this approach, the criminal justice system should incarcerate serial offenders for long periods of time as the only way to protect society from their crimes. While incarcerated, serial offenders could also receive rehabilitation programs, designed to help them stay crime free once released from prison.
Determining which of these approaches might be the most effective remains a matter of serious debate. Multiple policies have been developed employing one or both of these approaches in an attempt to prevent serial offenses and/or manage serial offenders.
For this Discussion, select a policy for the prevention of serial offenses, management of serial offenders, or both. Then consider how this policy might or might not be effective and why.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post by Day 4 a description of the policy you selected. In your description state whether the policy is for the prevention of serial offenses, management of serial offenders, or both. Then explain how this policy might or might not be effective and why.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.
Read a selection of your colleagues' postings.
Respond least one of your colleagues' postings in one or more of the following ways:
Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
Offer and support an opinion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Prevention and Management of Serial Offenders
Course title:
The increase of serial offenders in society has become an issue of concern. This is owing to the number of reported cases of increased serial offences most of which are either sexual in nature or murders. Scholars have determined that there are multiple cause factors that make one predisposed to serial offenses. The upbringing of person and the nature of environment that they are exposed to is one of the factors (Welsh & Farrington, 2007). For example, a child who grows up in a violent environment is more likely to adopt to such behavior in their adulthood. Prevention and management are the two main ways in which governments has sought to keep serial offenses. In order to effectively combat serial offenses, the federal government of America has formulated policies aimed at either preventing or managing serial offenses (Hanson & Morton, 2005).
Policy Creation
The fundamental aspect of consideration in formulating polices aimed at curbing serial offenses is determination of causes. Although there are multiple factors, there are certain common factors which when identified can play a significant role in preventing commission of the crime (Friendship & Beech, 2003). The policy therefore targets all the initial warning signs that are indicative of the likelihood of a person to engage in serial offences.
In coming up with policies that are legal in nature to deal with serial offenders, the intention is to come up with a framework that will seal all the loopholes that make it possible for commission of serial crimes (Petherick, 2012). When a person seems to exhibit traits that can be construed to mean that they are likely to commit serial crimes, then treatment in the early stages will help. This means that in policy formulation, serial offenders must not be frowned at. Rather, they must be looked at from a point of people who need help. Part of the reason why management of serial offences has proven difficult is due to the fact that the criminal are banished. However, it is crucial to understand that there is deeper underlying problem which is more psychological and often uncontrollable by the offender (Cunningham, 2012). As such, the offender needs help to snap out of the serial offenses cocoon that they find themselves in.
Deterrence Measures
Besides helping the serial offenders medically, severe punishment has also been seen as deterrent measure in dealing with the menace. For example, the Green- River Killer, one of the most wanted serial killers in America was sentenced to life imprisonments without possibility of parole. On one hand, this punishment means that such an offender does not pose threat to society as he remained incarcerated for the rest of his life (Dury, 2012). Further, this form of punishment is intended to i...
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