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Discussion Assignment 1: Present-Day Definition of Family

Essay Instructions:

Required Discussion Activity One Instructions
“What is a Family?”
At this point you should have read Chapters One, Two and Four, downloaded and studied the PowerPoint presentations, viewed the video on folio, and taken
notes on all materials. You will need to do this before you continue with this Discussion Activity.
As you have seen, these opening chapters provide you with a basic starting point in our semester study of Sociology of Family. You should be familiar with the
definitions of marriage and family, the functions of marriage and the family, who is permitted to marry in the U.S., and the overall themes of the text.
Imagine that you have been hired by the Census Bureau to come up with a new, current-day, definition for “family.”
Your Manager tells you that you may consider the current Census definition:
“a group of two people or more (one of whom is the householder) related by birth, marriage, or adoption and residing together”
or a definition in a great Sociology textbook:
“a unit of two or more persons, of which one or more may be children who are related by blood, marriage, or affiliation, and who cooperate
economically and may share a common dwelling place.”
Or you may devise a brand new definition.
Discussion Questions:
1. What is your present-day definition of family?
2. Why did you make this choice?
Provide very specific reasons and examples to support your definition.
How to Post Your Answers
Post your Discussion Question Response (specifically answering the discussion question in your own words) in the Discussion area named Required Discussion
Activity One – What is a Family? by 11:59pm EST Friday of this Learning Module.
Each post should be a minimum of 300words in length and needs to be substantial, incorporating relevant sociological content. Refer to the Course Syllabus for
other specific guidelines.
In the subject line of the discussion, please state “Family Definition_ your last name”.
(Be sure to use the underscore as you see in this example). (Ex: Family Definition_Noone)
You cannot make up a Discussion Board post that you missed for any reason. A score of ZERO (0) - no partial credit - will be given to:
(1) Late submissions, or
(2) Answers that fall below the minimum word count

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discussion1: family
Present-day definition of family
There have been changes in the family structure with more unmarried/cohabiting people raising children together as are gay/lesbian couples. The present-day family consists of two or more individuals who are in a domestic relationship sharing a close bond, living in a household or living apart with or without children both biological and adopted. Most families are related by marriage, adoption and birth, but as people live together without formalizing their marriages or unions, the modern family is diverse more than ever before. Single parents are the bread winners in their families, highlighting parental diversity of families, while the US census report indicates growth in step families and grandparents raising grandchildren.
Since a family represents domestic relationships, this captures the emerging family structures rather than merely focus on the traditional nuclear family. For instance, as the divorce rates in the US have increased children live on parent, and are then part of blended families if their parents remarry or live with another partner/ spouse. Such children are related to blood to one parent, if they cut ties with other parent they may no longer be considered to be part of such a family if do not communicate or maintain relationships. Similarly, foster children, step children, dependents, children under guardianship and half-siblings are part of family.
Choice of definition
Regardless of the makeup of the family the family members love and care for each other. As such even the nontraditional family structure is part of the present-day family. The nuclear family structure is still the most common as there is a gene...
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