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Prejudices and Discrimination Against Asian American Women

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Only need write about prejudices that immigrant Asian women in workplace part.

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Prejudices and Discrimination against Asian American Women
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Prejudices and Discrimination against Asian American Women
Asian American females routinely encounter numerous intersectional forms of discrimination in the United States of America (USA) due to their marginalized social identities. Studies reveal that discrimination against Asian women is based on their gender, language, and race. In some cases, this group of people has limited interactions within the healthcare sector. In the American way of life, discrimination is a critical and prominent matter that has affected various ethnic minorities, Asian women being one of them. The paper focuses on the prejudices and discrimination against immigrant Asian females in the workplace and healthcare.
Asian women are discriminated against in the workplace. In particular, intersectionality entails a group of people that live in marginal communities. For instance, being a Chinese immigrant living in the USA makes me vulnerable to it. Immigrant Asian females have to check many boxes on sexuality, gender, and country. Indeed, members of this group are included in the category of intersectionality. Their different characteristics contribute to how they are treated in the USA. For example, one of the things that make Asian women to be discriminated against is because they are immigrants. The dominant culture of Americans does not favor Asian females’ belief systems. In most cases, Asian females immigrated to the USA from over 20 countries in three distinct regions. They have significant contributions to various aspects of life. That can be an advantage to this group of people who can take different management positions. However, American society suppresses the characteristics of Asian women due to multiple prejudices against them.
Despite many companies promising to embrace diversity, Asian Americans are still discriminated against, and employers do not show progress in improving how they handle this ethnic minority group. Typical stereotypes exist when an individual is of Chinese descent since many Americans are curious about people’s accents and their lack of agility (Agovino, 2021). Although Asian Americans are well-represented in the American workforce, they are usually underrepresented in corporate power. The most significant thing that limits the progress of these individuals is that they are considered to be a “Model Minority,” meaning that they are hardworking individuals who require no or little assistance. Asian women feel frustrated sometimes since, regardless of what they do and their successes in the workplace, they are not treated in the same manner as their white counterparts. According to the 2021 Trust Barometer, about 55% of Asian American respondents assert that American companies are doing nothing to address systemic racism in the workplace. In addition, around 58% of Asian American respondents argue that racism has damaged the employer-worker relationship (Agovino, 2021). As a result, Asian Americans feel discriminated against regardless of the effort they portray in the workplace.
Intersectionality and orientalism of Asian American women make them vulnerable to prejudice in American society. Specifically, intersectionality refers to the interconnection of social categorizations, such as gender, class, and race, that apply to a specific group of individuals. Orientalism is the traits and artifacts that are associated with people from specific regions, such as Asian Americans. Many Americans think that Asian American females are quiet, invisible, faceless, or sexual objects. The “Forever Foreigner” and “Model Minority” myths are circulated on the Internet, which significantly contributes to how members of this ethnic group are perceived in the popular culture and media (Mukkamala & Suyemoto, 2018). Sexism and racism are among the major issues encountered by Asian American women in the USA.
On 16th March 2021, the prejudice and discrimination against Asian ...
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