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Should The Practice Of Plea Bargaining Be Eliminated?

Essay Instructions:

NOTE: Three main references to be focused (uploaded):

1_article_A Comparative Look at Plea Bargaining in Australia Canada England

2_review_government_VICTIM PARTICIPATION IN THE PLEA NEGOTIATION PROCESS IN CANADA- A Review of the Literature and Four Models for Law Reform (its parts about plea bargaining in Canada )

3_report_government_Plea bargaining and sentencing guidelines

4: all others should be used as reference too (if possible)



This assignment requires students to discuss&analyze:

"Should the practice of plea bargaining be eliminated in Canada?"

Assignments will be four pages in length, not including the title page and bibliography.

Students will be evaluated on their ability to provide:

a) identify relevant concepts and theory(ies) that can be used to examine your topic;

b) provide adequate definitions of the concepts and theory you’ll be operationalizing; and

c) to draw reasonable conclusions following your analysis.

Importantly, you are expected to provide in-text citations that paraphrase passages from the newspaper article, the textbook, and your peer-reviewed article. Paraphrasing is different from quoting, meaning that you summarize the quote in your own words, while providing an in-text citation that identifies for the reader the source of the information.



Please use the following format for all assignments:

1) Times New Roman or Calibri 12 pt. font

2) Double-spaced (you can use sub-headings, but do not use triple spacing or leave large spaces between sections)

3) Use standard margins

4) Use subheadings if it helps you too organize your thoughts and stay on track

5) Provide page numbers (with the exception of the title page)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Should the Practice of Plea Bargaining be Eliminated?
Student Name:
Course Title:
Should the Practice of Plea Bargaining be Eliminated?
Most criminal cases are resolved not by trials, but instead using guilty pleas. Those guilty pleas mostly stem from negotiations between the defense and the prosecution. This is known as plea bargaining (Wright & Miller, 2002). Plea bargaining is practiced in many countries around the globe, from New Zealand and Canada to Australia and the United States and many other countries. This paper provides an answer to the question of whether the practice of plea bargaining should be eradicated. The paper argues that this practice should indeed be eliminated because of its numerous weaknesses, which are discussed.
Plea bargaining refers to the informal process through which the defense counsel and the prosecuting authority negotiate the charge upon which the prosecution would proceed, and/or concessions which the prosecution might make as regards sentencing, for instance, the facts upon which sentencing should proceed, in order to reach a mutually acceptable agreement according to which the accused person would plead guilty (Linthorne et al., 2016; Flynn & Freiberg, 2018). The court does not have any formal role in this process. Plea bargaining is recognized in case law (Brook et al., 2016).
This practice should be eliminated because it has many defects and has a negative effect on various facets of the criminal justice system, including the legislative drafting of substantive criminal offenses and the efforts of correctional officials to rehabilitate criminals who have been convicted (Alschuler, 1983). This practice leads attorneys to see themselves not as advocates, but rather as administrators and judges. Plea bargaining also subjects lawyers to serious temptations, including financial temptations, to ignore the interests of their clients (Alschuler, 1983). It also serves to diminish the confidence in client-lawyer relationships that could give purpose and dignity to the legal profession and which is necessary to the defendant’s sense of a just and fair treatment (Alfini & Ryan, 1977).
Additionally, this practice makes a significant part of the sentence of the accused person to not depend upon the offender’s characteristics or what the offender did, but rather it makes it depend upon a tactical decision that is not relevant to any appropriate objective of criminal proceedings (Scott & Stuntz, 1992). In cases that are contested, the practice of plea bargaining replaces a regime of split-the-difference with a judicial determination of innocence or guilt and raises the notion of partial guilt above the condition that criminal responsibility has to be established beyond a reasonable doubt (Alschuler, 1983). Furthermore, various scholars have pointed out that plea bargaining serves to depreciate the purposes of the criminal sanction and the value of human liberty since it treats these things as commodities that can be traded for economic savings; savings that are actually minor when they are measured against common social costs (Verdun-Jones & Tijerino, 2002). In some jurisdictions, defendants who are of certain races, minorities in particular, are usually more targeted for the use of plea bargaining than those of other races (Wynne & Hartnagel, 1975).
Plea bargaining also tends to make figureheads of the court officials who usually create detailed presentence reports only after the effective determination of sentence using prosecutorial negotiations (Alschuler, 1983). The practice certainly makes figureheads of judges in the courthouse, whose authority over the administration of criminal justice has mostly been shifted to less experienced individuals who do not have the information that judges could secure, people who have not been charged by the electorate with the crucial responsibilities that they have taken up, and people whose characters moreover, disposition has been shaped by their partisan duties (Alschuler, 1983). The practice also distorts the initial prosecutorial formulation of criminal charges and, as the defendant pleads guilty to offenses that are less serious compared to the offenses that he/she perpetrated, the final judicial labeling of crimes (Alschuler, 1983).
Besides, the process of negotiation serves to encourage the offender to believe that he/she has sold a commodity and that he/she has somewhat been able to get away with something. At times, it fosters corruption perceptions (Verd...
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