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Power to Heal

Essay Instructions:

Please answer each question in essay format. One question per page/ Please number the question that you are answering by saying 1. 2. 3. No need to re write the question.

1) Segregation in healthcare is described in the film as a form of institutional racism. Define institutional racism. Think about Chapter 7 in the text regarding the Social Determinants of Health and policy. In what ways was this true? How did healthcare segregation and “living separate but equal” make some individuals sicker than others? Use specific examples from the video and text and discussion.
2) Do you think that the federal withholding of Medicare funds was the best way to halt healthcare segregation and get hospitals to be in compliance with the new laws? Why or why not? Use examples from the film.
3) Hospitals resisting change is not an uncommon theme. Can you describe another period of time, when people had a difficult time adjusting to large, systemic change as it related to healthcare? Be specific and detailed in your answers and cite examples from the film.

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Power to Heal
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Power to Heal
Question 1
Define institutional racism
Institutional racism is a system that classifies individuals grounded on their ethnic groups, race, and color where the marginalized group is allocated limited resources. In contrast, the other group is exposed to societal resources without merit. Institutionalized racism typically results from established expectations, structures, or community systems. Discrimination has been entrenched in a way that gives a free will to develop unfair practices and policies in an institution that unswervingly reprimands and abuses individuals based on their origin and culture. Segregation has impacted people's attitudes and beliefs, resulting in some groups of people perceiving themselves as superior to others in society.
Social determinants of health and policy have contributed to the segregation of people significantly through their policies which divide people based on their societal class, gender, skin color, origin, and even age. Alternatively, the social determinants of health in specific health centers have been defined in a way that can be achieved by individuals from a particular class. For instance, some policies in hospitals are established so that they can be only achieved by the upper social class in society while the less fortunate have to work extra hard to afford the healthcare services. Similarly, health practitioners prefer that their services are located in a particular demographic region to be well exposed to resources in society. For instance, the majority of the physicians prefer that their health facilities be located in an upper or middle-class community since they individuals can easily afford the healthcare services offered (Teitelbaum & Wilensky, 2016).
How did healthcare segregation and "living separate but equal" make some individuals sicker than others
The healthcare segregation and "living separate but equal" make some individuals sicker than others is a "statement" that notably depicts discrimination. Power to heal film illustrates unequal exposure to resources in America. Firstly, the healthcare disparities started; barely half of the hospitals offered equal services to white and black. Secondly, a third of the healthcare facilities in the south would not provide health services to African Americans even when it is an emergency case. Lastly, the attempt of the federal government to eliminate the discrimination between black and white is a clear indication that the marginalized group was suffering (Burnett, 2018).
Alternatively, biases based on racism from healthcare professionals have also contributed to inequality. According to Teitelbaum & Wilensky (2016), the health practitioners discriminated against the black patients who failed to tell them what they were suffering from. For instance, the study conducted between the years 1932 to 1972 states that African Americans who were suffering from syphilis failed to be given a decent treatment whereby they were given medication without being told what they were suffering. The inability of the black to receive quality healthcare services is a clear indication that the marg...
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