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Possible Solutions to Reversing Global Warming

Essay Instructions:

It is best to take China as an example. Plus: Attach a five-minute copy of your speech.
1. From the provided 16 reports on possible solutions to reversing global warming summarize each one in a short paragraph in you own words In a second paragraph evaluate the viability potential scale and risks of each
2.Then in a few paragraphs summarize your conclusions as to the most important three to five solutions to focus on and explain what needs to be done to achieve these financially technically at sufficient scale and at acceptable risk Include in this analysis your assessment of the following
a.How critical do you see the urgency in reducing both the greenhouse gas levels being put into the atmosphere and that are presently in the atmosphere
b. What is are the most important approaches to use to achieve this
c How can this best happen d What can you do to make this move forward

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Global Warming
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Global Warming
Surface reflectivity is referred to as albedo, and increasing it is intended to preserve resources, notably energy. The albedo of surfaces such as roofs and pavements is frequently improved by painting them white. White tops act in the same way that heat is reflected off rather than consumed (Song et al., 2019). As a result, light reflects off the structures, keeping the heat out and lowering the need for energy-intensive air conditioning. Surface Albedo Modification is a method that aims to improve the earth’s albedo to reflect more light into space. The sunlight reflected off the earth’s surface is known as albedo. The majority of solar radiation is reflected when the albedo is high. Another method that might be employed is boreal snow forest removal. The disadvantage is that a white desert would devastate the ecosystem’s production.
While pumping the CO2 underground is an efficient technique to lower CO2 levels in the atmosphere, it is not without risk. One of the significant drawbacks of this procedure is the possibility of CO2 leaking out of the earth after injection. To avoid this, the locations where CO2 was injected must be investigated, and samples were taken to ensure that the caprock has sufficient integrity to keep the CO2 confined (Janda & Akbari, 2018). The more brutal rocks that cover the basalt rocks and act as a protective layer are caprock. CO2 might readily leak back into the atmosphere if CO2 was injected into the basalt rocks and the caprock’s integrity was not robust.
While the process of injecting CO2 deep underground and waiting for it to mineralize takes only two years, this CO2 reduction solution can last indefinitely. One of the most significant advantages of this approach is its long-term effectiveness. CO2 takes to assume the shape of a rock after it is converted to mineral form, and it will remain restricted for generations (Amos et al., 2016). Along with its long-term nature, this approach permits CO2 to be stored in regions previously deemed useless in the fight against climate change. Environmental tariffs and embargoes can be used to ensure that countries follow agreed-upon ecological standards (Song et al., 2019). Governments must assure collaborative effort that focuses on improving multilateral cooperation to employ environmental tariffs and sanctions.
Solutions To Global Warming
Reducing greenhouse gas levels being put into the atmosphere and those present in the atmosphere can lessen the risks of global warming. Various modest modifications may be made in one’s daily life to save energy and be more efficient. To begin, keep in mind that electrical products or appliances do not need to be turned on all of the time. Turning lights down or off is a simple technique to save energy that will not be squandered. Second, make intentional decisions to purchase energy-efficient items (Amos et al., 2016). Many popular appliances may be replaced with more energy-efficient models, such as washers, dryers, dishwashers, and others.

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