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Population and the Environment as Key Drivers of Social Change

Essay Instructions:

any of the three below can be the topic

1 technology,

2 social institutions,

3 population, and the environment as key drivers of social change.

Alone or in combination, these agents can disturb, improve, disrupt, or otherwise influence society.

Consider the following questions:

Of these change agents, which do you consider the most powerful force(s) for social change? Explain your choice.

Select a current, real-world social problem that would benefit from social change. Which of the identified causes play a role in the development of this problem? Explain your answer.

Which could play a role in contributing to the solution of your selected social problem? How? What would it take to create a social movement in this direction?

WRITE least 300 words, use excellent written mechanics, and include current APA formatting as needed. After your initial post, respond to at least two of your classmates' posts.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Population and the Environment as Key Drivers of Social Change
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Population and the Environment as Key Drivers of Social Change
The most potent forces for social change are population and the environment. The population is consistently and randomly changing daily, affecting society massively (Harper & Leicht, 2018). The environment affects people, and at the same time, people affect the environment. Therefore, these two forces are the most powerful elements for social change.
One widespread social problem that would primarily benefit from social change is racism. Racism entails judgment and assumptions towards certain racial groups about them having specific characteristics that make them different and inferior. Technology, social institutions, population, and the environment play a role in developing racism as a social problem (Harper & Leicht, 2018). However, the implications of population change and environmental alteration are most felt when studying racism as a social problem. According to Van Tubergen (...
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