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Critical Issues in Politics: Politics in a Changing Climate (POLA01H)

Essay Instructions:

Critical Issues in Politics: Politics in a Changing Climate
Fall 2016 Critical Essay Assignment 
Proposal Due November 4 by 5pm on Blackboard
Final Essay Due December 5 by 5pm on Blackboard
December 2015 saw the signing of the Paris Climate Agreements—the first major international agreement on climate change since 1997. Right now, countries are in the process of ratifying the agreement and other actors are working to figure out how to respond to climate change as part of the global response. Different states and actors within states will take different approaches and have more or less challenges developing effective climate policies. This paper asks you to zero in on a country and then compare what is happening at the national and subnational levels (politically). You will choose 1 of 3 countries and 1 subnational actor within the country you choose:
1. Canada and 1 of: Toronto, Vancouver, Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, British Columbia
2. United States and 1 of: California, New York City, San Francisco
3. China and 1 of: Beijing, Shanghai
If you would like to do research on another country/subnational actor pair you can propose this and clear it with either me or your TA.
In the research and writing process you will:
• Investigate and summarize the current state of climate politics and action in your state and subnational actor (from 2014 through today), including how they have participated in international negotiations (if they have). This will require that you do research with media sources and government documents/websites that describe what your country and subnational actor are doing and the general outlines of the current politics of climate change.
• You will need to do research with academic sources that explore the general politics of climate change at the national, provincial, or municipal level. In other words you need to read and investigate what scholars have said about climate politics in the US, Canada, China at the national and subnational levels. 
• From this research you will formulate an argument that answers the following question: Taking into account what you know about how politics and the response to climate change works (advantages and disadvantages) at those different levels, which kind of response do you think is most important and effective? You will need to define what you mean by important and effective.
• You will support that argument with information you gathered in research about the climate response in the country you've chosen and academic literature on different kinds of climate politics and policies (national/local/global). 
Practically the steps for this project include:
1. Preliminary research on the climate policy and politics of your actors in media, government, and academic sources and consultation of academic sources that discuss your chosen actor's role in climate politics more generally.
2. Write a proposal for the paper that provides 2 paragraphs of background on your chosen actors as well as a preliminary thesis statement. The proposal also much include a bibliography with a maximum of 10 sources—5 of these sources must be annotated and you must have at least 4 academic sources. You will receive feedback and a grade on the paper proposal. Proposals will also be discussed with your class colleagues in one of the tutorials.
3. Write the final paper (maximum of 1500 words) from the proposal and feedback.
MY THESIS IS: Canada as a Nation as well as the municipal of Toronto have been shown to have effective approaches to undertaking climate change. However, upon closer examination, it is evident that Toronto is more important and active in the response to climate change due to its role in transportation policies, its participation in global municipal networks, and Canada being viewed as a laggard in National negotiations. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Climate Change
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Climate Change
In December 2015, world countries met in Paris during the Session of the Conference of the Parties to discuss the climate change challenge with the aim of coming up with a model of growth that guarantees safety, is durable and for the benefit all humankind. The conference saw a signing of what came to be termed as the Paris Climate Agreements which became the first major international agreements to be made since 1997. Agreements made were those to deliberate on reducing greenhouse gas emission by introducing mitigation strategies by each member state as well as adapting towards climate change. Currently, most countries are in the process of signing and ratifying the agreements while other actors are working on the methodologies of responding to climate change as part of the global response. As at November 2016, 193 of the members of UNFCCC had signed the treaty and 115 of those countries had already ratified the treaty. Canada is among the countries that took a longer time to ratify the agreement as they ratified it on October 5th, 2016. Although it was passed by a significant number of members of parliament, there were a significant number of conservatives who were against the treaty amounting to 81. Nevertheless, Canada as a nation as well as the municipal of Toronto has been shown to have effective approaches to undertaking climate change. However, upon closer examination, it is evident that Toronto is more important and active in response to climate change due to its role in transportation policies, its participation in global municipal networks, while Canada appears as a laggard in national negotiations.
To understand mitigation of climate change, let us first define what effective approaches for undertaking climate change (Bulkeley, Carmin, Broto, Edwards, & Fuller, 2013). Effective approaches entail actions that are geared towards limiting the magnitude of the effects of climate change both in the short term and in the long run. It involves mitigating measures that aim at reducing the emissions of greenhouse gasses by deliberating on alternative ways of energy other than over relying on the fossil fuels. It also involves measures taken to increase carbon sinking for example through encouraging reforestation. Effective approaches are achieved through collaboration by different stakeholders in the economy (Bulkeley, Carmin, Broto, Edwards, & Fuller, 2013).
Municipal of Toronto has taken the lead than any other province in formulating transportation policies that aim at minimizing burning of fossil fuels with the ultimate goal of reducing greenhouse gasses released into the atmosphere. The municipality has been involved in building transport systems which are in concurrence with appropriate land use and sustainability (Bulkeley, Climate Change and Urban Governance , 2014). These include road tolls and others. For example, recently the mayor's executive team approved the road tolls for Gardiner Expressway and the Don Valley Parkway. The passing of this policy is not only in the view of easing traffic jam in the town but with a focus on reducing the amount of carbon dioxide released by the vehicles while stuck in the traffic jam. Also, Toronto has increased car parking fees within the town so as to discourage more personal vehicles (Bulkeley & Betsill, Revisiting the urban politics of climate change, 2013). Toronto Green P parking lots hiked the parking fees in July 2015 from $2.5 to 2.75 for hall garage parking per half-hour. This measure was taken to discourage huge numbers of personal vehicles that cause pollution in the town.
Further, the municipal government is encouraging the reduction of greenhouse gasses through encouraging people to use the electric public transit and cycling to work. The city is availing more cycling infrastructure at low prices to entice the citizens to acquire so as to use for their commutation to work and home. Cycling lanes have been built, and in 2014 alone, there was an expansion of cycling lanes to a tune of twenty-two kilometers as purely designated cycling routes within the city (Chen, Luo, Reich, Searle, & Biswas, 2016). Toronto operates an 80% network of bike-share through which the residents can access bikes for cycling within the neighborhoods for a very low daily fee or on long-term subscription plans. This program was introduced with the aim of complementing low carbon-producing transport system in the city (Chen, Luo, Reich, Searle, & Biswas, 2016). The city has also allocated a lot of funds in light-rail transit system which has become a major means of reducing traffic congestion as well as reducing carbon effluents into the atmosphere. There are numerous light rail transit programs currently being undertaken in Toronto. For example, the Ellington Crossway which will span nineteen kilometers in the city center is expected to be operational by the year 2020 (Chen, Luo, Reich, Searle, & Biswas, 2016).
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