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Policy Memo on Addressing Homelessness in California

Essay Instructions:

Identify one policy problem that will be exacerbated because of increasing numbers of older adults and your suggested solution(s) to the problem. Identify a specific local policy maker or state Assembly person or federal Congress person to direct your solution(s), and write a 3-4 page policy memo outlining the problem and your proposed solution(s). You can write about a topic in another country, but you still must identify what level of government, you are addressing and the details of the problem and policy proposal. Additional details will be discussed in class prior to the due date. Please submit through Blackboard.

Please note that the memo is not a traditional research paper but rather a project intended to give you practice in the type of briefing report you might submit if working for a policy maker or advocacy group. See link for a guide to writing a policy memo: http://libguides(dot)usc(dot)edu/writingguide/policymemo

Essay Sample Content Preview:
To: Representative Isaac Bryan
Subject: Addressing Homelessness in California
Despite diverse efforts to end homelessness in the state, California has many homeless individuals, with the elderly population in this category rising steadily. Trends indicate that older people are increasingly struggling with rent burdens, triggering them to transition to homelessness as they age. The situation in California is alarming, with the African Americans being disproportionately affected due to persistent inequalities and housing discrimination that disadvantage them further. As a state representative, supporting the current bills in the house that seek to improve housing would significantly contribute to addressing homelessness. The state has a pending bill AB 2547, with progressive propositions to ease the rent burden and increase housing availability.
Homelessness among the elderly population is one of the most concerning issues in California due to its aggravation of age-related vulnerabilities. The Justice in Aging (20221) indicates that people should age in affordable, accessible, and age-welcoming homes irrespective of their socioeconomic status. Unfortunately, elderly Californians are grappling with increasing loss of housing, with the African American population of this group being the most affected in the region. Smith (2021) acknowledges the gradually rising severity of this problem across the different cities in the state, making it a public health crisis. The organization states that the Californian state government has not overlooked this issue because it has initiated diverse programs to increase the housing for all homeless individuals in the region, including the elderly. However, the efforts directed at addressing the challenge have appeared insufficient compared to the complex factors triggering the continued severity. As a result, homelessness, especially among the elderly, requires progressive and sustainable policy changes to find a long-term solution.
The issues of homelessness have been prevalent in California for decades. Smith (2021) reports that even before it became worse during the COVID-19 pandemic, the state was still struggling with a homelessness crisis. The institution state that one out of every four homeless Americans resides in California, leading to 161,548 homeless people by 2020. The Justice in Aging (20221) indicates that the population of the elderly has rapidly increased as more people advance in age and experience a sharp decline in their productivity, making it challenging for them to meet their housing expenses. The institution emphasizes that costs related to renting, including spending over 30% of one’s income and over 50% of earnings going to housing, remain significantly high in the state (Justice in Aging, 20221). The concern is that older Californians within the lower income brackets are increasingly struggling with rental expenses burdens, leading to the loss of their homes.
The increasing concern is that older people are the fastest-growing population in California, demonstrating that this policy-related issue is bound to worsen over the years. Justice in Aging (20221) indicate that approximately 50% of the homeless individuals in the United States are beyond 50 years, with a significant proportion of these transitioning to homel...
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