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Philosophy Journal: Deliverance from Error

Essay Instructions:

Please write a philosophy journal/reaction by following the guideline I uploaded in the file, and this is for philosophy class. The three photos are the materials that might be helpful for writing, also I have the in class note.

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Philosophy Journal Student’s Name Institution Date In Al Ghazali’s Deliverance from Error, he indicates two periods of his skeptical issues. His arguments throughout the book also highlight how he distrusted his cognitive faculties and also the manner that he restored his trust in his intellect and senses (Al-Ghazali & McCarthy, 2000). Al-Ghazali’s issues with the Sufi religion were evident in the manner that he disclosed himself in his writing. He eventually had to give up his position as a sultan and chose to become a pilgrim. The author placed a tremendous emphasis on his predicament and evaluated himself. When Al-Ghazali realized that he had to change the entire course of this life had a significant impact on his outlook. This shift led him to change his whole lifestyle by searching for the Truth that made him change his perception about religion, his culture and also the society (Griffel, 2009). The author highlighted that he was blessed with acquiring a deep sense of curiosity; however; ...
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