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Child Molester or Pedophile

Essay Instructions:
The paper should include relevant research on your topic. You are to compare and contrast research and ideas. Support your opinions with the research you have found. You are free to complete this paper using the style of your choice provided the following details are addressed:  Use a minimum of three references  The paper is a minimum length of ten pages, not including cover page and reference page (total 12 pages).  Papers are completed using APA style references and in-paper citations.  Feel free to incorporate headings and diagrams into your essay.  Papers are to be submitted by the due dates outlined in the course schedule.  Submitted using the digital drop box. Mark Breakdown  Essay is worth 40% of your final grade  70% of grade is content  20% (2 pages of opinion/validation)  10% correct referencing/APA style MY SUBJECT IS PYSCHOLOGY SO I WANT IT TO BE WRITTEN ACCORDINGLY
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Child Molester or Pedophile
Professor Name:
(March, 2013)
 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc350328699" Introduction  PAGEREF _Toc350328699 \h 2
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc350328700" The difference between Child Molester and Pedophile and their drive  PAGEREF _Toc350328700 \h 3
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc350328701" The connection between Homosexuality and pedophilia  PAGEREF _Toc350328701 \h 5
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc350328702" Child Molesters and pedophile rehabilitation  PAGEREF _Toc350328702 \h 7
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc350328703" The effects of child sexual abuse  PAGEREF _Toc350328703 \h 9
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc350328704" Can children recover from sexual abuse?  PAGEREF _Toc350328704 \h 10
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc350328705" Conclusion  PAGEREF _Toc350328705 \h 12
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc350328706" References  PAGEREF _Toc350328706 \h 13

Sexual abuse is not a 21st century social problem in humanity. This problem is has old has we can imagine. However, the difference is the fact that it is been addressed in a different new way today. Whether it is in the church, sports, boys clubs, schools or families, there have always been environmental pockets in society that foster these deviants. Again, whether it is about sex or power, children have always been the most vulnerable segment of the population, and their rights need to be more conscientiously protected today.
It can be very difficult to talk about sexual abuse and even more difficult to acknowledge that sexual abuse of children of all ages including infants happens every day. For instance, how many cases of sexual abuse have been reported recently in the church which has actually forced the Pope to disband several bishops in the main stream of the church, Catholic Church (Berry, 2000)! The Sexual abuse of children has become the subject of great community concern and the focus of many legislative and professional initiatives. This is evidenced by the expanding body of literature on sexual abuse, public declarations by adult survivors and increased media coverage of sexual abuse issues. According to the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS), an estimated 9.3 percent of confirmed or substantiated child abuse and neglect cases in 2005 involved sexual abuse (Kamerman, Phipps & Ben-Aryeh, 2009). This figure translates into over 83,800 victims in 2005 alone. Other studies suggest that even more children suffer abuse and neglect than is ever reported to child protective services agencies. Statistics indicate that girls are more frequently the victims of sexual abuse, but the number of boys is also significant.
As a result of this embarrassing trend, this paper seeks to understand in depth the issue of Pedophilia/Child Molestation. The paper will further support the arguments raised by different bodies or agencies with the appropriate studies done by authoritative authors in this field. Above all, it will enlighten the reader on this critical topic, giving them the way forward towards the matter.
The difference between Child Molester and Pedophile and their drive
According to Hunter Pedophilia refers to a psychological disorder that most studies attribute it to combination of environmental and genetic factors (Hunter, 1990). This disorder is believed to run in families. That latter fact may be the result of genetic defects or because pedophiles often were victims of sexual abuse themselves as children and then became perpetrators later on in a victim to perpetrator cycle of abuse. He goes further to argue that Pedophiles they start this kind of behavior (having strong urges and fantasies to connect emotionally and sexually with children) very early. It is in the opinion of Berry that regardless of the factor that is driving them (sexual anxiety, brain trauma, social influence, poor impulse control, or even psychosis,) these people feel an emotional congruence with children which mature to become sexual desires on them, the children (Berry, 2000). Hunter is of the view that these individual targets to make their victims a substitute of what they could achieve in an adult relationship. They feel good when they are around the children and looks for the ways possible to ensure they achieve their goal (Hunter, 1990).
According to Flowers child molesters refers to individuals who are opportunistic and are on the look to use child to satisfy their sexual urge. However, these individuals are capable of having adult relationships as well. The most important factor here is that child molesters are not driven by sex by rather by power. They do feel good when with the children but they simply use the children (Flowers, 2006). He simply calls them in plain words as criminals and should be punished. On the other hand, Berry mentions that pedophiles needs help either through psychotherapy or medication as well punishment to change their behavior (Berry, 2000). From Berry research it is evident that pedophiles are responsible for a very minor percentage of child abuse in the world. Most of the active pedophiles are men who are yet to marry ranging between 18-35 years of age (Berry, 2000). According to Flowers more than 50% of child molesters are basically their parents, 18% is contributed by the victims relatives. Pedophiles are drawn to pre-pubescent children and rationalize their behavior, believing that they love the child, want a relationship with them and are not harming them. Child Molesters are manipulators who strictly overpower their victims by means of sexual degradation in order to have control over them (Flowers, 2006). The child molesters could actually continue harming these innocent children for eyes because there is no age limit as pedophiles are. Accessibility and convenience plays a bigger role for the child molester.
According to Kamerman, Phipps and Ben-Aryeh, both individuals (pedophiles and child molesters) could either be basically men who are heterosexual. It is to their opinion that women pedophiles are rare to get but there are few who can be termed as child molesters. According to their arguments nearly more than 50% of the cases happen in home, behind closed doors and among members of the same family (Kamerman, Phipps & Ben-Aryeh, 2009). These arguments are purely supported by the U.S. Department of Justice (1997). It claims that, “More than 90% of all sexual abuse victims know their perpetrator. Almost 50% of the offenders are household members and 38% are already acquaintances of the victims” The worst part of it Berry says that the society is not looking at the issue critically; bearing in mind the victims are too young, too vulnerable to be manipulated, and too afraid to raise the issues to the relevant people. Many of the families affected by this problem live in denial, this raises the issue of privacy and living in fear of what might be happening in the next door in your residence (Berry, 2000).
With these concerns it is basically the ideal time to come clean on the problem without fear or favor. We live with people who not only went through this cruelty but also have no strength to trust any one in their lives because of the ideal they went through probably on the hands of a close relative. Even when they became adults they do not know how to stand up for themselves, reason being they blame themselves for what happened to them or their children. Children need to be supported in the understanding that whether it is a friend of the family, a family member, or even their parent, they must look for help. And we adults have to be more available to listen and to help the victims in order to have a better world to live in and enjoy.
The connection between Homosexuality and pedophilia
Studies bring out high connections between pedophilia and homosexuality. Holland reflects that a high percentage of homosexuals are pedophilia (Holland, 2004). This is not actually to say that all homosexuals are pedophilia, but that pedophilia is more common among homosexuals than heterosexuals. Today, there are many groups of homosexuals arguing pedophilia to openly express their sexual orientation freely which is a dangerous argument towards the security our child. According to Laws and O'Donohue the ratio of homosexuals to heterosexual is 1:21. In reference to the ratio homosexual pedophilia contributes to more than three quarters of all sex crimes do towards children. According to his study only 2-4% of men have sexual attraction to other men. 25-40% of men have sexual attraction toward boys (young). Thereby homosexual men have 6-20 times more tendencies to pedophilia than heterosexual men. (Laws & O'Donohue, 2008).
U.S. justice department (U.S. Bureau of Justice - Bureau of Justice Statistics) in 2000 did a very wide research about sexual violence. Holland mentioned that this research was sampled between the years 1991-1996 in the following states; Alabama, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, North Dakota, South Carolina, Utah, Vermont and Virginia. The aim of the research was to establish the number of young children who were sexually abused and their cases handled by the law enforcers. The results of the research where as follows: 25% cases were committed by homosexuals and 75% by heterosexuals. In the same period the propositions of homosexuals to heterosexuals were between 2-3% of the population (Holland, 2004). Therefore, in reference to the population and their rate of crime it is clear to say that homosexuals committed this violence ten times than the heterosexuals.
Another study was done by Goode which was published by Regent University Law Review in 2002. He concluded that homosexual pedophilia were more common than heterosexual pedophilia. His aim was to bring out the dark story of homosexual people. The research concluded that molestation and abusing of the children appears remarkable more among homosexuals than heterosexuals, when database sampling was statistics per person from the population (Goode, 2010). Therefore, one can be in a position to say homosexuality is a sexual abnormality which is serious problem the world society is facing today. Holland states that it was very difficult to express the dark side of gay culture having not displayed it as rude or harsh. He is very concerned about this matter, and he thinks that homosexual behavior threatens foundations of western civilization, which is a family (Holland, 2004). He was highly condemned by the gay movement but stood his ground by saying this movements are aiming at the children as a way of increasing their population. To strength his arguments, Holland says sexual abuse toward young boys appears on homosexuals at least five times more compared to sexual abuse to girls. However, Homosexuals very often deny this fact, close connection between homo...
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