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Passenger Pigeon Discussion

Essay Instructions:

Variation within the gene pool produces individuals that may survive a wider range or a different set of environmental conditions. The individuals better suited to survive under the new conditions leave more offspring that survive to carry the genes for surviving in the new conditions. Organisms that do not have traits that help them survive in the new conditions do not have as many offspring survive. As generations pass those whose inherited traits may have been suitable for earlier conditions but are not now make up less and less of the population. This is natural selection. The organisms best suited to new or changing conditions live to pass on those survival genes or beneficial adaptations. After reading the assigned reading in your textbook, you have an understanding of how environmental changes influence the natural selection process.

In your discussion post, find a real life example of one of the modes of natural selection and discuss how clutch size, habitat size, and/or genetic variance played a role in the survival or extinction of the species in your example. For example you could discuss the role of those modes of natural selection in the extinction of the dodo bird or the thriving of Asian carp in the Great Lakes.

You will use your text and other library sources to support your analyses. Please be sure to correctly cite any sources.

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Passenger Pigeon discussion
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Passenger Pigeon discussion
Also known as wild pigeon, the passenger pigeon is an extinct North American bird. It went from being the most common bird in the 19th century to extinct in the early 20th century. Clutch size encompasses the eggs laid during a nesting period. The passenger pigeon has an average clutch size of 1.5 eggs and a pair of 50 laying 75eggs. The complexity of food gathering after the deforestation prolonged the maturation period while the species reached their carrying capacity. Competition for food places was increased especially during the nesting period that were not enough to sustain the population (Bortman, 2003).
Their habitat was mixed hardwood forests where the birds depended on the huge forests nesting during spring and for food and roots during winter. The birds flew out in large flocks in search of food and returned to their roosting area during the night. An estimate of their nesting area was reported as covering 850square miles having 136,000,000 birds in Wisconsin. Since the passenger pigeon was huge in numbers, it needed as much extent of forests for its existence that the early settlers made impossible by clearing the eastern forests for farmland. Due to their communal habitat, they were also hunted down by professional hunters who sold the birds in the city markets that sped up their extinction (Bortman, 2003).
Genetic ...
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