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Party Platform Creation Activity Research Assignment Paper

Essay Instructions:

Party Platform Creation Activity
This week we learned about the important functions of political parties. You also had the opportunity to browse the Democratic and Republican Party platforms for your reading. In this activity, pretend you are in charge of your own political party and write a platform for your political party.
Your platform and reflection essay should be at least 500 words long and address the following:
Part 1 - Your Platform
Name your party.
Identify and describe one domestic policy that your party would believe in. Give a paragraph description of that domestic policy. Be very detailed and specific in your description. (Domestic policy is anything that impacts how we live our lives within the borders of our nation.)
Identify and describe one specific economic policy that your party would believe in. Give a paragraph description of that economic policy. Be very detailed and specific in your description. (Economic policy is all those policies that impact the distribution and exchange of property, wealth, and capital. Think about things that impact money and how much you have and how you can make more.)
Identify and describe one specific foreign policy that your party would believe in. Give a paragraph description of that foreign policy. Be very detailed and specific in your description. (Foreign policy is how this nation interacts with other nations.)
Part 2 - Reflection Essay
Write an essay in which you compare and contrast each of your three policies, one at a time, to similar policies from the platforms of the Democratic and Republican parties. How are your policies similar to the policies of the two major parties? How your policies different from the policies of the two major parties? Be specific and include specific examples. Conclude your comparison and contrast essay by discussing which of the two major parties your political party most similar to?
Don't forget to include a reference list.
Please note: APA formatting and citations rules apply to this and all essays in this course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

My Political Party
Student Name:
Institution Affiliation
My Political Party
Libertarians are the only American party that stands for an individual’s principles. Adhering one’s principles offers a basis for principles to be followed in the entire state (Libertarian party. (2016). We believe in an individuals’ ability to enjoy their freedom, therefore, oppose any government interferences with people’s personal lives and decisions.
Domestic policy Libertarian party would believe in
Gun control has been a big issue in our country. People should be allowed the right to have their guns for self-protection. For people to be able to protect and adhere to their principles, gun control should not be an issue (Ontheissues, 2015). All gun control laws should be repealed to help reduce cases of people attacked in their homes killed without them having weapons to protect themselves.
Economic policy that Libertarian party would believe in
Adhering the people’s principles does not include the death penalty in courts. Crime is an essential motivating factor to the reduction of the economic rate in a country. Despite executing criminals, other measures can be taken to help respect the human life and also not be the judges of the human life. In our state crime is taken seriously when it is under racism (Ontheissues, 2015). If it affects the black person, no explanations will be needed even if the black man or woman was innocent. We should not allow racism to be our form of life. My party believes in punishing crime as required not reducing or increasing the charges. Punishing crime would raise the level of economic growth.
Foreign policy that Libertarian party would believe in
Reforming the International structures is high to improving foreign relations. To ensure an improvement in the relationship structure of America with other countries, we should avoid foreign entanglements with other nations (Ontheissues, 2015). Being involved with issues of other countries, increase the level weakening international structures...
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